I have a question. I think that my behavior is unique to being HOH. I have 2 babies, JJ is 4 and Ellie is 2.6. I have them in my bed. They sleep w/ me. It started when JJ was 3 months and when ellie 3 or 4 mths old. My now exhusband used to have them cry it out. But I couldn't handle that. I have them sleep w/ me in case anything happens. I wouldn't be able to hear them if they slept in the other room and cried or screamed. My ex would just let them cry. He never comforted them. So, I tell people I let them sleep w/ me because I can not hear when I take my aids out. It's okay if you are honest, I will not take offense. I just want to know if there are other mom's out there that do this because they can't hear either.