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^Angel^ said:
You know she isn't the ONLY one who brings negativity here in AD, I have seen serveral members who do that quite as well too, and people do makes mistakes and I am sure TTT made some share of mistakes of her own as well so have I but that doesn't mean we are bad people here, I don't believe she intend to hurt anyone's feelings, she just had a bad past and also she doesn't have much friends to be able to open up the things that she kept inside, there's nothing wrong with her venting out her feelings or bring her problems here in AD, isn't that what the forum is for? ....

I'm sorry but I think everyone deserves a second chance....

We gave her plenty of chances, ^Angel^. I wasn't the only one who got tired of her. I'm just one of the ones willing to speak my mind and say so. I can't help it if I didn't always like seeing her spouting about how terrible her life is.

Please don't come down on me just because "I'm not being fair to her". I've been more than fair to her. You know me, ^Angel^. You've chatted with me, and you know I'm willing to keep an open mind about people, but there comes a point where you cut someone break one too many times, and I reached that point with her.

I'm gonna stand by how I feel.

I honestly wasn't trying to do that, if you thought I was then I apologize...:(
^Angel^ said:

I honestly wasn't trying to do that, if you thought I was then I apologize...:(

^Angel^...It's alright. It's not you. I just have a hard time hidng my dislike for TTT.

I also have an issue about being told how to feel. All my life, people have told me how to feel about something, and, I've never been allowed to express my true opinions. Well, I finally got tired of that, and decided that I was gonna hold true myself, no matter what.

But, I must admit, I gotta chill. I said this to someone already. I MIGHT be starting to PMS, so give me alittle latitude, please. :) I didn't mean to come on so strong. :hug:

I think the sooner we forget about TTT, the better will ALL will be! :lol:
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i am sensing there will be more bickering in here.. lets just cool it off.. take a deep breath!!

id like to say that everyone's feelings are valid.. so accept them for the way they feel.. it is ok to listen.. you dont have to agree with everything someone says.. but at the same time.. there is no need to attack the person for expressing his or her feelings.. am i making sense here??

like TTT and Ravensteve for an example.. ppl cant stand them because of their negativity, bad attitude, pushing the wrong buttons, etc.. they make us feel defensive.. so we attack them back and then it just goes back and forth like a ping-pong because they are defended too.. GRRR!!

we need to sit back and think before we say something.. cuz we say the wrong things when not thinking clearly while being all fired up..

i have been through a lot with my ex fiance.. and learned so much from counseling.. the TWO BIG THINGS that i learned from cousneling is... EVERYONE'S FEELINGS ARE VALID.. no matter what.. and stop attacking them.. you dont have to agree with them either.. but at least listen to them and let them "air it out" of their chests..

and also.. never start a sentence with YOU.. especially when it is heated!! cuz that puts the person on the defensive.. then the argument/fight gets worse and out of hand, etc..

ill give you an example:
aly is upset with lisa (fake name)... cuz lisa said to aly.. YOU ARE A BITCH, YOU ARE CONTROLLING, YOU ARE TOO MUCH/OVERBEARING BLAH BLAH....
so aly, instead of saying (being defensive) YOU ARE A BITCH TOO, YOU ARE CONTROLLING TOO, ETC.. BLAH BLAH..

aly will say something like: I FEEL HURT CUZ YOU CALLED ME A BITCH, IT SEEMS LIKE THAT YOU THINK I AM CONTROLLING, IT SEEMS THAT YOU THINK OF ME THIS WAY, ETC BLAH BLAH... this way it doesnt put the person on the defensive, attacking you back.. and have the argument go on and on like a PING-PONG.. (do you guys see that i am not using YOU in here in response to lisa's comments)

***that is why COMMUNICATION is the key in all aspects of relationships!! (your significant other, your parents, your sibling(s), your boss, peers, etc)***

"are you guys following me??"
i hope i am not going off of the topic?? eh?
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I honestly wasn't trying to do that, if you thought I was then I apologize...

Oceanbreeze said:
^Angel^...It's alright. It's not you. I just have a hard time hidng my dislike for TTT.

I also have an issue about being told how to feel. All my life, people have told me how to feel about something, and, I've never been allowed to express my true opinions. Well, I finally got tired of that, and decided that I was gonna hold true myself, no matter what.

But, I must admit, I gotta chill. I said this to someone already. I MIGHT be starting to PMS, so give me alittle latitude, please. :) I didn't mean to come on so strong. :hug:

I think the sooner we forget about TTT, the better will ALL will be! :lol:

see angel and ocean are great examples!! they are not "attacking" each other!!! yippeee!!! they are trying to communicate their feelings, misunderstandings, etc without attacking each other!!
i am so glad i caught this GREAT EXAMPLE whew!! :applause:

so my point is.. this is how we should do in this WONDERFUL FORUM (as a matter of fact this is my favorite forum now!) instead of having an ugly,bickering, insulting ones!! PLEASE PEOPLE.. THERE ARE OTHER MEMBERS IN HERE TOO.. it is not fair to the others!! ok!?? i love this forum!! only when ppl are POSITIVE AND SHARE THEIR INPUT, FEEDBACK, EXPERIENCES, ETC.. YOU NAME IT.. w/o all the negativity, talking back, pushing us away etc!!

now is the time for a :grouphug: !!!
I am sorry you are leaving and find no peace in ur heart here. I unds your lonely and need someone to talk to but we all have suck life too. I unds you may not read here but that is fine. Just saying good bye and have a grand life.
TTT, it's totally childish to announce that you're leaving and having us giving you pity... FOR ONCE, if you want to leave then do it so quietly. I have noticed few members came and left and no one complain. If I want to leave, I'd leave quietly instead of announcing and leaving up to everyone whose gonna wonder what's the matter with this person... I before did left AD for couple months for personal thing but nothing conflicting with everyone and my screenname was still in AD then I came back as a fresh start and move on... again I'm not gonna tell you to MOVE ON and leave quietly...
nozobo said:
TTT, it's totally childish to announce that you're leaving and having us giving you pity... FOR ONCE, if you want to leave then do it so quietly. I have noticed few members came and left and no one complain. If I want to leave, I'd leave quietly instead of announcing and leaving up to everyone whose gonna wonder what's the matter with this person... I before did left AD for couple months for personal thing but nothing conflicting with everyone and my screenname was still in AD then I came back as a fresh start and move on... again I'm not gonna tell you to MOVE ON and leave quietly...

same here except I do not alike to draw the attention and have someone pity me as this one does.
zesty said:

I honestly wasn't trying to do that, if you thought I was then I apologize...

see angel and ocean are great examples!! they are not "attacking" each other!!! yippeee!!! they are trying to communicate their feelings, misunderstandings, etc without attacking each other!!
i am so glad i caught this GREAT EXAMPLE whew!! :applause:

so my point is.. this is how we should do in this WONDERFUL FORUM (as a matter of fact this is my favorite forum now!) instead of having an ugly,bickering, insulting ones!! PLEASE PEOPLE.. THERE ARE OTHER MEMBERS IN HERE TOO.. it is not fair to the others!! ok!?? i love this forum!! only when ppl are POSITIVE AND SHARE THEIR INPUT, FEEDBACK, EXPERIENCES, ETC.. YOU NAME IT.. w/o all the negativity, talking back, pushing us away etc!!

now is the time for a :grouphug: !!!

LOL Zesty! I'm too lazy to quote your other post, but :gpost:

I also would like to say that i do have strong opinions. That, and, a new found sense of courage to express those opinions might be hard for somebody to take. You see, when I first came on board, I was kind of quiet. Didn't say much. And, I certainly didn't just jump into a controversial topic with both feet and repond. :lol:

But, I've been here awhile. People are starting to get to know me, and I'm starting to feel comfortable about expressing my opinions.

But, like I said to someone earlier, there are many different people on here, and we all have different ways of interpreting each other. Sometimes, that's gonna get us in trouble from time to time. I am quick to judge sometmes, but I also know when I've said too much, or gone too far. I'm also not above apologizing when I feel the need.
what in the holy hell is going on in here.. aw fuk it.. (gives every1 a :hug: )
Juanita said:
what in the holy hell is going on in here.. aw fuk it.. (gives every1 a :hug: )

:lol: I lost my mind, is all, but it's all good. I kissed and made up with people. :)
I say, "Good Riddance!!" Everyone has a sucky time in one or more points in their lives. No reason to take it out on others!
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