Burn in Hell

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RedFox said:
What if somebody believed that a god would tell rational people that they've made good use of their brains and can go to a heaven and tell religious people that they were gullible and for that, they'll go to hell. :whistle:

And there are also other religions that say that people not of that religion will be in trouble after they die. Different groups say that about each other and each say that they're the ones who are right.

And this my 500th post. :mrgreen:

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. ( John 14:6 )
CyberRed said:
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. ( John 14:6 )

Yeah, I know about Jesus saying that, but what if it's part of a big test by a god who values rationality over blind faith to see if people would believe what the world tells them or what a book tells them? That verse plus supposed visions and voices of the god could be part of the test. How could one really know if it's like that or not? It's like asking if we're in the Matrix. :dizzy: :dunno:

What the claims of us being in the Matrix, a god using religions as filters for gullible people and a god sending believers to a heaven and unbelievers to a hell have in common is unfalsifiablity. So there's no way to rule out any of those sorts of things, so why pick certain ones over others?
RedFox said:
Yeah, I know about Jesus saying that, but what if it's part of a big test by a god who values rationality over blind faith to see if people would believe what the world tells them or what a book tells them? That verse plus supposed visions and voices of the god could be part of the test. How could one really know if it's like that or not? It's like asking if we're in the Matrix. :dizzy: :dunno:

Yes, it's about test, because of the faith. It takes a faith to believe rather than seein'. People who want to see as proof - meanin' they have no faith, just because they want to SEE somethin' that comes out from God. Same goes with couple's relationship - he/or she have to trust each other otherwise their relationship will go downhill. Always think positive with trust. I know some people don't have trust, because of their bad experiences from the past from other people. But, God is always soo GOOD and would never do somethin' like that to people by harmin' them in HIS intimate relationship. God will bless those who have faith in Him rather than people who don't have faith in Him.

What the claims of us being in the Matrix, a god using religions as filters for gullible people and a god sending believers to a heaven and unbelievers to a hell have in common is unfalsifiablity. So there's no way to rule out any of those sorts of things, so why pick certain ones over others?

You have to remember that Satan and God are in war. They are still in war over people - God's Creation. God have a place for Satan and that's hell where Satan will bound to stay in the future after Christ return. For those who are faithful to God will join Christ.

Okay, let me give you a picture here. Supposed, if you have a plant that you need to feed. That plant MUST rely on water, right ? So this way, it will NOT die by thirst. It grows if, you feed it faithfully as it rely on you. You are responsible to take care of it faithfully. Always be there for that plant everyday. It's the same with God and He is always be there for His children when His children rely on Him for His Word, because they are hunger spiritually for His Word to grow them. It's not for the flesh and it is NOT about the flesh. It's about the spirit that needs to grow. When it grows, it will become strong just like a plant would with a thick stem and roots to hold under the ground. Once the spirit grows strong, that " strong " will become the spirit's shield as to protect against the devil's wilt. The devil can't come closer to the "strong" spirit, because of the light is growin' within the spirit from the Word of God.

Why don't you study what's out there around you ? They are tellin' you somethin'.
jazzy said:
Living in heaven with those killers turn me off. I perfer to be with their victims than be with killers.

I understand how you feel about this. Hmm, I haven't even
thought about this before.
CyberRed said:
You have to remember that Satan and God are in war. They are still in war over people - God's Creation. God have a place for Satan and that's hell where Satan will bound to stay in the future after Christ return. For those who are faithful to God will join Christ.

Or the whole story about the war is just part of the test to see who's gullible in the test I mentioned before. Or it's mythology.

Okay, let me give you a picture here. Supposed, if you have a plant that you need to feed. That plant MUST rely on water, right ? So this way, it will NOT die by thirst. It grows if, you feed it faithfully as it rely on you. You are responsible to take care of it faithfully. Always be there for that plant everyday. It's the same with God and He is always be there for His children when His children rely on Him for His Word, because they are hunger spiritually for His Word to grow them. It's not for the flesh and it is NOT about the flesh. It's about the spirit that needs to grow. When it grows, it will become strong just like a plant would with a thick stem and roots to hold under the ground. Once the spirit grows strong, that " strong " will become the spirit's shield as to protect against the devil's wilt. The devil can't come closer to the "strong" spirit, because of the light is growin' within the spirit from the Word of God.

Just because house plants need to be watered doesn't mean that there is a god doing that to us. And the analogy is not perfect because the plants can't stop people from watering them. To make everybody see what the Christians say about taking care of spirits as worthwhile, they must be shown that there actually are spirits to take care of. There is a certain group out there who say that they will help you with what they call the therans living inside you to make you a better person. The claims made by that group and Christianity are equally valid because both have a lack of evidence.

Why don't you study what's out there around you ? They are tellin' you somethin'.

Yeah, I study what's out there and it gives no signs of a ghosty dimension with beings like Yahweh and Satan fighting a holy war. Who are 'they,' the inhabits of the ghosty dimension?
If Heaven really exists, then everyone will go to Heaven... no matter what. I think it's pointless to see how God loves and forgives everyone... but won't accept them into Heaven. :dunno:
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