Bulletproof backpack sales soar after Conn. school shooting

That's right since not everyone have a computer (internet access) due to parents' budget. During HS, my daughter's ex-boyfriend didn't have internet access at his parents' home.
No one had computers when I went to school but we didn't have to carry heavy book bags around either. I can't figure out why kids, especially in elementary school, have to tote so many books around.
Armed security and armed teachers is part of the answer. Only teachers that want to carry and are trained and vetted. Better security systems also helps. Money that is better spent here than sent to Egypt, Iraq & Afghanistan! Gun control is never the answer. I am fine with waiting periods and even banning high capacity magazines but it won't stop violence like this if someone really wants to do harm.
Armed security and armed teachers is part of the answer. Only teachers that want to carry and are trained and vetted. Better security systems also helps. Money that is better spent here than sent to Egypt, Iraq & Afghanistan! Gun control is never the answer. I am fine with waiting periods and even banning high capacity magazines but it won't stop violence like this if someone really wants to do harm.

Big issue is liabilities, so you can get sued by angry parents for accidental shooting or unusual, mistake movement.

The armed teachers or staffs are out of question, however the armed security with routine training is good.
It's all about "line of sight," folks. If you're going to use one of these, at least make sure the kid can hide completely behind the thing. How about instead bouncing the bullet off a brick or steel structure, as in pool to get around the broken line of sight? And all the gunman has to do is walk up to the kid, take the pack away, and done. People are taking advantage of the situation, and the companies are hoping for a complete police state, as they are the ones to benefit directly from manufacturing things for a locked down country.
Big issue is liabilities, so you can get sued by angry parents for accidental shooting or unusual, mistake movement.

The armed teachers or staffs are out of question, however the armed security with routine training is good.

Mandatory and recurring training would be mandatory for teachers as well! They must be trained and vetted well first. Then yearly re-qualification or biannually if you prefer.
Mandatory and recurring training would be mandatory for teachers as well! They must be trained and vetted well first. Then yearly re-qualification or biannually if you prefer.

Most Americans don't support teachers to be armed and not accepted by mainstream.

The teacher's job description is to teach (educate) the materials to meet the requirement by state, also the schools could lose the federal funding if they want to break the gun free zone law. The guns are not teacher's job description, so we have security guards that who is responsible to make school safer.

If I was teacher, I will not going to be armed, no matter if I have CCW permit because my interest as teacher to teach the materials that children should to learn. I don't want to deal with liabilities and the gun accuracy is big issue. If you are armed teacher and make accidental shooting to kill my child when try to take perpetrator down so I am going sue you in the court and it can force you to resign the job, that's extremely emotion, expensive and tragedy.

The armed security guards are not new and many schools in inner city/suburbs have security guards, including the high school that where I attended. The gunshots are very rare but the fighting is more common.

The school shooting doesn't happen everyday, but it did happen few times in one year to few, several years, so last worst school shooting was VA Tech in 2007, so it is very, very unpreventable and unpredictable.

I'm not saying that all teachers should be armed but possibly the ones that want to be and that can pass the training and vetting process. Each school only needs a few like this. I have no problem whatsoever with armed and trained security at schools. They are often School Police Officers and can execute and affect arrests and do reports on crimes and issue tickets when necessary. I understand your uneasiness about all of this I really do. Statistically school is one of the safest places that a child can be.

I'm not saying that all teachers should be armed but possibly the ones that want to be and that can pass the training and vetting process. Each school only needs a few like this. I have no problem whatsoever with armed and trained security at schools. They are often School Police Officers and can execute and affect arrests and do reports on crimes and issue tickets when necessary. I understand your uneasiness about all of this I really do. Statistically school is one of the safest places that a child can be.

I felt it looks appreciate (very tolerate) for rural schools with small classrooms, so that where teachers or school admins that put guns in safe box. The guns are pretty stronger in rural area.

Yes, you are correct about schools are safest place for children, but the school shooting can happen in anytime, pretty much unpreventable and unpredictable, unless anyone know about tactical that try to prevent from happening.

Just let you know - ban on high capacity magazine is part of gun control, but it isn't bad thing and I don't think any new laws will going to prevent the crazy shooting.
I felt it looks appreciate (very tolerate) for rural schools with small classrooms, so that where teachers or school admins that put guns in safe box. The guns are pretty stronger in rural area.

Yes, you are correct about schools are safest place for children, but the school shooting can happen in anytime, pretty much unpreventable and unpredictable, unless anyone know about tactical that try to prevent from happening.

Just let you know - ban on high capacity magazine is part of gun control, but it isn't bad thing and I don't think any new laws will going to prevent the crazy shooting.

You are correct. No new gun laws will stop senseless violence like this. They will use whatever method that works for them. Timothy McVey didn't use a gun and neither did the terrorists on 9/11.
Most Americans don't support teachers to be armed and not accepted by mainstream.

The teacher's job description is to teach (educate) the materials to meet the requirement by state, also the schools could lose the federal funding if they want to break the gun free zone law. The guns are not teacher's job description, so we have security guards that who is responsible to make school safer.

That's bull, and I'm calling it like it is. Why don't you go back to the 1800s and ask the people there themselves? You see, human nature has not changed AT ALL in the last 30,000 years. That is all I'm going to say on the matter. Now, have a good day, while I recover from, "Bed and Toilet, Bed and Toilet, Bed and Toilet all day long" from yesterday.
No one had computers when I went to school but we didn't have to carry heavy book bags around either. I can't figure out why kids, especially in elementary school, have to tote so many books around.

maybe we did not learn as much then it is a cundrum.i dontknow elementry age group in america but here they no need carry so many untill they 11 at secondary school.

what gave me a shock is a couple of teachers told me they get regular bomb threats and they have something called snowball effect where one school phones another untill all schools in town within mins are on bomb alert and school empty..
i lived near a jewish school and that school had intense secruity they had regular bomb threats every few days....sad times when schools come to this
What I think is great is that people are coming up with ideas to better protect our children. Even if every idea isn't perfect or protects in every situation. Braintorming is a great thing. Americans come up with great ideas. I think there are instances where a bullet-proof backpack may help. When on lock-down, some have students go to a corner of the room. If the kids had these on when they went to the corner, this could offer some protection from a shooter. Yes, bullet proof doors, window glass, safe rooms, better designed schools..we may need all of these things...we are still learning...but all of those things may take time..this is something that can be quickly implemented and if one of these backpacks saved just one young life..or any life...that is great. It's good to look at this product and other ideas from all angels..but rather than calling ideas stupid..let's use them as springboards to better them ect....of course, we first really need to learn what we can do to absolutely keep a crazed gunman out of the school in the first place. Seems like there was no stopping the CT guy...he shot his way in...locks offer little security now.
The good thing is that people are coming up with ideas to better protect our children. It may take one small thing to save one life. You never know. The back-packs seem not a bad idea for use during a lock-down. Some schools have the teacher lock the door and have kids sit in a corner of the classroom. I'd prefer the kids were sitting/crouching with these back-packs on. The CT gunman shot his way into the school. Locks will not keep a crazed gunman out of the building or classroom. They will slow them down, but not keep them out. This is one idea that can be used along with others or until others are put into effect: safe rooms. bullet proof windows/doors, better designed buildings...these things will take time ...this is something a parent can do quickly. The important things is that Americans keep coming up with ideas!