Brake Pad Dust.......

German vehicles have brake wear warning lights or message from the dash. They uses electric wear indicator device that pressed in the brake pads as brake pad sensors. Worth it as useful info.. why don't you buy MBZ or BMW?
One other indicator that we can't hear brake noises is Red Brake waring light that can be relates to low brake fluid, sign of thin brake pads or shoes or thin rotors/oversized brake drums etc. Worth to check them now than sorry.

That's correct. My mom own it and she love it so much already. Save money from damage the rotors.


Called cross-drilled & slotted, we are talking about the curved vents are in the sandwich between the face sides of the rotor. MBZ AMG or BMW uses same rotors. If the directed rotor installed in wrong place that may cause the brake pads wear faster than other side but I almost not notice them because they (drilled/slotted) are often discard, can't re-surface due to factory heat treated. We always replace new rotors/pads/pad sensors. We don't use Chinese rotors for German vehicles.