Biting hamster


Active Member
Apr 1, 2003
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My son got the hamster from a friend. It was a male and nice one and doesnt bite but unfortunally my dog killed it. So I went out got another one for my son. This time is female and she bite. She bited me twice and causing to bleed. So how do you solve this situation? HELP!!!!!!!!!
I think that hamster needs wood bars or some wood toys to play with, so she won't end up biting u...just a suggestion?
that female hamster's ways to bite for no reasons ... most of male hamsters dont bite like female hamsters does.. female hamsters always protecting herself all the time more than males does.. males dont care if anyone touch him or his body ... haha @ seq.. if you put wood stick and let female hamster chew and her teeth will be SHARP BLADE!!! duh.. lol lol...

oy.. brings back memories..

I had hamsters when i was younger, and well one time i picked up one from the cage, and it bite me in the hand, i freaked out i dunno why but it scared the shit out of me and that hand that got bitten suddenly threw the hamster across the room as in automaticly reaction as if someone bite you u know u get startled reaction and jerk your hand.. well that hamster was on my hand that got bit and got threw acrossthe room hitting the door. I was soo scared and upset because of what happened, i just couldn't believe it happened to me, so i ran over to the hamster and just ingored my bite cuz that was not important at the moment, and the hamster was unconsious, but when ipicked it upa gain he woke up, so i watched him make sure he ok, walk ok and everything, he was fine. But scared the shit out of me. I couldn';t believe that it happened. He died a year or two later of old age.
hm... I have always hated hamsters... I dunno why.

My friends had pet hamsters . they would pick up and cuddle, they just put hamster in my open hands like cupped... they bite me immediately... everytime I pet a hamster, they bite... so hamsters are out of my question....

hate them, still......
lol downing.. so am i , i hate hamsters.. but they are cute.. i ain't buyin any hamsters for as pet.. too bad for them *scoffs*.. rats best than hamsters.. i had 3 rats in past.. they never bite me.. hamsters are worse than rats! *scoffs*.. darn!!

Thanks!! :wave: I still got the boo boo on my fingers. Feel like I got a shot on my finger. OUCH!!! LOL
*grab pomerian's fingers.. smoochies on it.. feeling better, eh?*

They mainly bite when they smell food on fingers of people who pick them up. I figured that out after I ate some food and handled them without washing and again but washing my hands after eating - didn't bite me at all. *shrugs*.
The same thing happened to me recently. I was playing "cootchie-coo" with my wife’s hamster’s nose when she suddenly sank her teeth all the way into my finger. Those teeth are long and sharp—it bled for 3 hours. :pissed: After I calmed down and overcame my urge to kill the hamster (and did a quick Google to see if I needed a rabies shot), I talked to some people at PetSmart about it. One girl was particularly knowledgeable, and she offered the following observations and suggestions:

First of all, hamsters aren’t all that bright—guinea pigs and chinchillas are a lot smarter. So just don’t make any sudden moves around them, because they’re basically afraid of their own shadow.

They can’t see worth a shit, so don’t just start poking them in the face and expect them to like it (that was my mistake).

They’re mean. Most other rodents will run and hide if they feel provoked. Not hamsters—their first instinct is to attack.

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling them, so they don’t smell any other animal on you.

She also swears that if you give them something called ‘yogurt drops’ that they’ll calm right down and love you forever. We bought some, but I don’t know if they work because I won’t go near the little bastard anymore. But she’s never bitten my wife.

Hope this helps.

By the way, the little darling escaped from her cage last night and hasn’t been seen since. Mayflower is a little pissed at me right now because I’m not showing enough sympathy. :roll: So if you all could say a quick prayer for the hasty recovery of little Maria the Hamster, it might make my home life a little more pleasant. Thanks for your concern.
Levonian said:
The same thing happened to me recently. I was playing "cootchie-coo" with my wife’s hamster’s nose when she suddenly sank her teeth all the way into my finger. Those teeth are long and sharp—it bled for 3 hours. :pissed: After I calmed down and overcame my urge to kill the hamster (and did a quick Google to see if I needed a rabies shot), I talked to some people at PetSmart about it. One girl was particularly knowledgeable, and she offered the following observations and suggestions:

First of all, hamsters aren’t all that bright—guinea pigs and chinchillas are a lot smarter. So just don’t make any sudden moves around them, because they’re basically afraid of their own shadow.

They can’t see worth a shit, so don’t just start poking them in the face and expect them to like it (that was my mistake).

They’re mean. Most other rodents will run and hide if they feel provoked. Not hamsters—their first instinct is to attack.

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling them, so they don’t smell any other animal on you.

She also swears that if you give them something called ‘yogurt drops’ that they’ll calm right down and love you forever. We bought some, but I don’t know if they work because I won’t go near the little bastard anymore. But she’s never bitten my wife.

Hope this helps.

By the way, the little darling escaped from her cage last night and hasn’t been seen since. Mayflower is a little pissed at me right now because I’m not showing enough sympathy. :roll: So if you all could say a quick prayer for the hasty recovery of little Maria the Hamster, it might make my home life a little more pleasant. Thanks for your concern.

Your comments really cracked me up!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
LOL @ Levonian... you should be a standup comedian. I hope Mayflower finds Maria soon.

Pom- I hope that finger heals soon!

I prefer ferrets to hamsters ;)
Levionan, you impossible funny. I love your posts... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah I prefer ferrets and chinchillas to hamster or guinea pig. I fall in love when I saw some of my sons' friends who own ferrets or chinchillas in area where I live and also pet shop, too.

Yes, hamster & guina pig are also cute, too but I'm cat person. :lol: I don't know what should I answer here because I have no experience to deal with hamster... it's interesting to read TongueOnFire's link.

Pom, I hope your finger is healing... I guess Cheri will be back to tell you what she had an experience with her pet hamster Maria. She was also biten by her hamster Maria, too. :lol:
Now I know I have to wash my hands. LOL Hey Lev, funny stories but you better start showing your feeling toward your wife's feeling.

Next time I aint gotta get hamster cuz there wont be any more pets except for cat, dog and bettas. That is it cuz I dont want my house turn into a farm.
Awww poor Pom and Lev...i know it hurts like hell..i was bitten by the damn little bastar......i mean hamsters...hehehe...sorry hamster lovers...hehe..but i dont like them anymore. Had to go to emergency room cuz i was so afraid i'd get serious infection..
Levon..your story was sooo funny that tears was runnin down my face..haha.
My husband's nephew has a real sweet Guinea pig named Mr. Snuggles that i can pick up and pet! He is very loving thing, really. If he sees you coming, he runs up to you, hoping you would pet him or pick him up! and of course, he loves any kind of treat like cheese, crackers or whatever!..that is my kind of pet, really.
Hey Pom,
I've got 6 guinea pigs. Want one? They make much better pets than hamsters. I pet-sit for a friend's hamster recently. The hamster nibbled on my fingers. I think it was because the hamster smelled a guinea pig on my hands? I can say for a fact that guinea pigs generally don't bite unless they are absolutely terrified. Hamsters on the other hand will probably bite everything and anything.
So you say you don't want a farm. I've got a zoo and I'm proud of it! I call myself "the zookeeper" heh heh heh :P
Biter? Feed it to the dog and get a new one. PetSmart has 'em on sale for $6.99.

Or, you know, if you're not happy with the one you bought, if you've retained your receipt, you can exchange it and let them know the hamster belongs to a child and you'd like for your child to keep his fingers. ;)
Malfoyish said:
Biter? Feed it to the dog

I like this idea best! Just feed the damn thing to the dog or cat. Hamsters are most vile creatures on the planet!
