Been A Meowmie ...

Well, that is true. It is suppose to be traditional way to have a baby shower for her and her best friends mostly women in the old days. I also have noticed some men joined in the baby shower too. Nothing wrong with that. We accepted them with open arms and said welcome. Only it was okay to have men or boys come to the baby shower on my First Nation Reservation, but I don't know about white culture that always have traditional to have a baby shower for the new mommy and all women, no men. Maybe everything is changing in our 21st century. :giggle:

must be gay men :o
oh hell yea, I'm very unpredictable.. did that scared you off jclarke? ;)

thanks bebonang. :) yes, correct, my first child. my boyfriend and I are discussing if we'd want gender-surprise or know the gender when ultrasound tells. right now as my sister calls it niecephew. isn't that cute?? and guys definitely will be welcomed to my baby shower! my boyfriend has the all males in his family. :shock:

oceanblue/avwdng/moonflower - thank you!!
Oh yeah - I am so scared of you, freckles! :Ohno:
ha ha ha jester!

I still can't believe I am pregnant!!
