Banning Sign Language When Driving ????????

Rose Immortal said:
I'm going to sound stupid here, but I've kinda wondered what a lot of you guys who use mainly ASL do in situations where it's not advisable to let go of whatever you're doing, and you need to get a point across...?
Interesting question. My fiancee and I temporarily switch to oral communication when in that situation, but then when we put it down we go back to signing. I do wonder what people who do NOT know how to use their mouths to talk would do, though.

I do know about face pointing (jerking the face in the direction you want to point in) and eye-pointing (looking at what you want to point in), but more complicated stuff...I don't know. :confused:
I would think it highly dangerous to use sign langauge while driving, and making users a danger on the road. One hand off the wheel is considered reckless driving here in the UK, e.g. using a mobile phone (Instant fine here if caught), OR signing (Or as one instance we had someone putting make up on with TWO hands and another driver eating pizza as well !). Take cars off these people ! Deaf cultural rights will cut no ice with the law if someone is killed as a result.
yea thats your own audist attitude 's thinking about our ASL or Deaf languages as usual,. Passivist
Banning sign language during driving is a ridiculous.

We driver know how to drive safety... We know we can't use mobile phone while driving, talk, sign language, etc. but consider the traffic....

I know my limit when I sign with my hubby or friends while driving. Fix banning driving law for sign language makes no sense to me.

Safety is not the the issue here but one's rights and if it means somebody gets injured or killed...sobeit and that is just too bad. *Rolling one's eyes* :roll:
Maybe IF they did this, they should put it in the same bill that bans hearing people from using their cell phones.

And bans eating behind the wheel.

And putting on your makeup behind the wheel.

Or reading a book.

Yes, the last one happens. There are even racks made to go over the steering wheel so you can do it. Typically you see it in large cities where there are big traffic jams, but it's a stupid idea. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, if you're hearing you do NOT need to be trying to read in the car--that's what audio books are for!!!!! (Really NOBODY should do it, but hearing people especially have no excuse.)
Rose Immortal said:
...Or reading a book...
Yes, I have seen that. I have also seen drivers looking at maps, writing notes, sorting thru CDs, and brushing teeth.

One time I was riding with a hearing missionary family from overseas. I guess they are used to calmer traffic. Anyway, the husband began to pray while driving WITH HIS EYES SHUT! Aack!

Whew! It was a short prayer! :)

(I don't recommend praying that way.)
Rose Immortal said:
I'm going to sound stupid here, but I've kinda wondered what a lot of you guys who use mainly ASL do in situations where it's not advisable to let go of whatever you're doing, and you need to get a point across...?

No, that's NOT a stupid question. Since I came from a large
number of both deaf and hearing siblings communicate
with each other in sign language, we all grew up
driving like experts using ONLY one hand on
the wheel at the exact same time using ASL/sign language
with ONLY ONE hand...

Many people especially audists were NOT aware
that deaf drivers almost NEVER use both hands in ASL
during driving. We tend to use our facial expressions
at the same time signing with only one hand while
watching the roads driving. Of course, we're the Experts
and we have the common sense to have a limited talk
whenever necessary. Of course, we normally use
ASL with both hands but NOT during driving
except using only one hand.

Hmm, for example.... When you flip a bird,
do you use only one hand or both hands while driving ?

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Passivist said:
I would think it highly dangerous to use sign langauge while driving, and making users a danger on the road. One hand off the wheel is considered reckless driving here in the UK, e.g. using a mobile phone (Instant fine here if caught), OR signing (Or as one instance we had someone putting make up on with TWO hands and another driver eating pizza as well !). Take cars off these people ! Deaf cultural rights will cut no ice with the law if someone is killed as a result.

I have seen hearing people used their cell phones and ate also make up at the mirror at same time.

If cop stopped me when I sign during my drive. I will give my finger at a cop. Tell him go to ASL class.
Y said:
Hmm, for example.... When you flip a bird,
do you use only one hand or both hands while driving ?



I know this is sort of off-topic, but often I've really wished people in other cars knew more than just this "universal sign." I remember one time I pulled off a supremely bonehead move, and I so wanted to tell the people behind me how sorry I was, and all I could do was turn around at the stoplight and mouth REALLY BIG and hope they understood. I did actually sign "ME STUPID-STUPID-STUPID" assuming that knocking yourself on the forehead repeatedly might be understood even by non-signers. :lol:
I m laughing so hard at Y and Interpretrator with tears. It 's really good one tho. :ty:
Kalista said:

If cop stopped me when I sign during my drive. I will give my finger at a cop. Tell him go to ASL class.

Er...I wouldn't do that as anybody understands that (the finger). Give a cop trouble and he will be glad to give you some in return...

Ummm...on the other hand you seem to like the go right ahead and be my guest. I'll be looking for how it went later.... :D
Interpretrator said:

I know this is sort of off-topic, but often I've really wished people in other cars knew more than just this "universal sign." I remember one time I pulled off a supremely bonehead move, and I so wanted to tell the people behind me how sorry I was, and all I could do was turn around at the stoplight and mouth REALLY BIG and hope they understood. I did actually sign "ME STUPID-STUPID-STUPID" assuming that knocking yourself on the forehead repeatedly might be understood even by non-signers. :lol:

LOL That's a Good one !
Y said:
Many people especially audists were NOT aware
that deaf drivers almost NEVER use both hands in ASL
during driving. We tend to use our facial expressions
at the same time signing with only one hand while
watching the roads driving. Of course, we're the Experts
and we have the common sense to have a limited talk
whenever necessary. Of course, we normally use
ASL with both hands but NOT during driving
except using only one hand.

Hmm, for example.... When you flip a bird,
do you use only one hand or both hands while driving ?



In all seriousness, I thought many signs needed both hands in order to retain the full meaning. Is that not the case?
Rose Immortal said:

In all seriousness, I thought many signs needed both hands in order to retain the full meaning. Is that not the case?

Not really, but depends on the situation.

If I intend to give a formal presentation or storytelling,
then I would need both hands to retain the full meaning.

But, when I am driving I tend to have a very limited
basic simple talk using only one hand.
I usually tell them something like this:
"Let's WAIT until we arrive at the restaurant then
I will tell you a long story about my Daddy"
while I still keep myself focus driving on the way
to the restaurant.
Kalista said:
I have seen hearing people used their cell phones and ate also make up at the mirror at same time.

If cop stopped me when I sign during my drive. I will give my finger at a cop. Tell him go to ASL class.

We'll send you a file in a cake... Do let me know if you ever visit the UK, I don't want to be near you when your driving, I like life !
Rose Immortal said:
In all seriousness, I thought many signs needed both hands in order to retain the full meaning. Is that not the case?

Heh, I remember when I was first learning ASL and going to deaf events, and I would see people casually signing to one another with one hand while holding a cup of coffee in the other hand...and I couldn't understand a THING! I really couldn't believe they could understand each other when it looked like they were just waving one hand around.

And then the other day when I was chatting with a deaf friend in a coffee shop I found myself doing the exact same thing -- with my left hand, no less (I'm right-handed).

Certainly flipping someone off with both hands is a"fuller" statement. :D
Law is made to be broken, you know. I know everybody still answered their cell phone anyways. I mean C'mon, it's not fair that hearing get to talk in the car, while driving which deaf people can't. By the way I can sign with one hand with my family that no one able to read. My family and I know each other for many years and we can communicate with each other really well in car.

Almost everywhere I was driving on a highway and I saw a hearing person talking on the cell phone... O my god, he was not definitely paying attention to the road! I can't believe how lazy he was... He could use his eyes on the road and watch where he was going. No excuse... But deaf? They can't help it.

Rarely have I seen deaf people driving anywhere and I don't see what's wrong to exchanges some signs with my friends or my family during driving. I can keep my eyes on the road while signing, but if it's a serious discussion. I would have pulled over. Usually if they don't get what I'm saying while driving. I'd tell them that I'll tell them later when we stop driving.