'Baby killer' shouted at Democrat after bill's passage

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Actually we have GM plants here. One is about 5 miles from me. We have a pretty diverse economy. Not dependent on any one thing. We were designed well. :)

But it's not the source of Texas' economy.

Every Texan I know attribute their state's wealth to oil and natural gas, and favourable weather.
Should you wish to discuss the diversity of TX economy, there is a feature called "New Thread."


just peeve me when separatists think because their economy is strong, they can go at it alone when the availability of natural resources is not guaranteed in the long run.
But it's not the source of Texas' economy.

Every Texan I know attribute their state's wealth to oil and natural gas, and favourable weather.

Favorable weather = tourism and Ag....You would be surprised at the number of winter Texans we have. We have alot of Major and mid Major businesses that have moved here as well/

just peeve me when separatists think because their economy is strong, they can go at it alone when the availability of natural resources is not guaranteed in the long run.

No problem. I empathize with your peevedness! I feel it, too. We must keep in mind, though, that talking the talk is easy. Walking the walk is infinately more difficult. That is why, from time to time through history, we have heard the same kind of talk, but nothing has ever come of it.
Favorable weather = tourism and Ag....You would be surprised at the number of winter Texans we have. We have alot of Major and mid Major businesses that have moved here as well/

Yeah. Have a brother and cousin in Texas that saw snow on the first day of Spring. :giggle:
Yeah. Have a brother and cousin in Texas that saw snow on the first day of Spring. :giggle:

So much for the favorable weather!:giggle: I can also remember unbearable heat in the Houston area in Sept. and Oct. And skeeters big enough to carry a person off. They sounded like helicopters!:lol:
Believe me, When Amish leave others will follow. There will be a time when gov't have crossed the line.
Ohhhh, speaking of the Amish, what will become of them? They are a separatist group and they don't involved themselves in governmental affairs. Same with groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses who don't involve themselves in the political spectrum.

So are these religious group gonna get slapped with fines for separating themselves from Government affairs? Even possibly jailed?

they still here.

They are separate. They left the government behind long ago. They will not be leaving this country because they wish, more than anything, to have the freedom to practice their religion. They have that in the U.S.
Ohhhh, speaking of the Amish, what will become of them? They are a separatist group and they don't involved themselves in governmental affairs. Same with groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses who don't involve themselves in the political spectrum.

So are these religious group gonna get slapped with fines for separating themselves from Government affairs? Even possibly jailed?


There are exemptions for recognized religious groups. Both the Amish and the Jehovah's Winesses fall into that category. So the answer is "No."
So if I argue that being forced to have health insurance is against my religious beliefs, then they can't do squat to me, right? Not even a fine?

Uhh....the Amish left a long time ago. I don't see many following their example.

They weren't even part of the government in the first place. Amish and Mennonites have always historically went from country to country seeking refugees... exchanging their labour (ie. farming, banking and so on) for the right to practice their religion.

If they're not leaving the States (or Canada) yet, I wouldn't worry about it (yet.0

That's why people ask why i am not afraid of my government... because if the Mennonites are up and leaving in droves, then it show that something's wrong. But they're not; not yet anyway.
So if I argue that being forced to have health insurance is against my religious beliefs, then they can't do squat to me, right? Not even a fine?


That remains to be seen. Hopefully.
So if I argue that being forced to have health insurance is against my religious beliefs, then they can't do squat to me, right? Not even a fine?


You will have to prove that you are a member of a recognized religious group that does not untilize traditional medicine. You can't just say you oppose it on religious grounds to get out of having insurance. If there is a record of you having received medical care, then obviously you are attempting to pull a scam. Or, if you join that religious group a day or two before making your claim, you are obviously trying to pull a scam.
They weren't even part of the government in the first place. Amish and Mennonites have always historically went from country to country seeking refugees... exchanging their labour (ie. farming, banking and so on) for the right to practice their religion.

If they're not leaving the States (or Canada) yet, I wouldn't worry about it (yet.0

That's why people ask why i am not afraid of my government... because if the Mennonites are up and leaving in droves, then it show that something's wrong. But they're not; not yet anyway.

Exactly. I was just expanding on the wording used in the post I replied to. I don't see the Amish or the Mennonites leaving this area, or any area of the U.S, either, droves or no.
Well, in my opinion. I wanted to join that Samaritan's healthplan because I feel it a christian duty to help others, and I know it won't cover anything that is unbiblical. I hope they do consider it as religious exemption.
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