Baby born deaf will get 'bionic ears' that could help him hear and talk

I know, I know. Wait another few years and I'll see, right?

Well, you'll be surprised how much can change over the years.
At first, perhaps, but it cannot be used as a permanent solution.

And if you had actually read the thread I started a while back, you would have seen that it was always in the master plan to transition to ASL.
Blah blah blah. I gave my child access to language, irregardless of whether it was ASL or SEE. He is doing exceptionally well, and that is because he had consistent access to language. I've never placed more value on ASL or SEE. As I've mentioned countless times, they both have their place and serve their purpose. Many factors come into play when determining a Childs mode of communication. You may not like SEE, but for my child as an individual it was appropriate to use with him and has been effective. My child is not confused by a person using SEE with him.

Are you absolutely certain about that?

But, please, answer Banjo's question. It is pertinent to scores of reading levels.
And if you had actually read the thread I started a while back, you would have seen that it was always in the master plan to transition to ASL.

But, since Deaf of Deaf are still the highest performing group academically, as well as other domains, isn't that the reverse of what would achieve the best results?
At first, perhaps, but it cannot be used as a permanent solution.

Nor was it ever intended as a communication method. Similar to me having a blind child and writing everything I want to say in braille and having him respond in like.
I have read these postings here and elsewhere
In AD for some time now. I will speak up here based on my observations. I saw only a few well wishes to Callums mom compared to the rest of the postings. That alone I think is compelling in the general attitude against the new poster. I now bow out. I have no wish on being a part of such planned derisiveness. Thank you for listening.
I have read these postings here and elsewhere
In AD for some time now. I will speak up here based on my observations. I saw only a few well wishes to Callums mom compared to the rest of the postings. That alone I think is compelling in the general attitude against the new poster. I now bow out. I have no wish on being a part of such planned derisiveness. Thank you for listening.

No need to thank us. We don't pay much attention to hit and runners.:wave:
I have read these postings here and elsewhere
In AD for some time now. I will speak up here based on my observations. I saw only a few well wishes to Callums mom compared to the rest of the postings. That alone I think is compelling in the general attitude against the new poster. I now bow out. I have no wish on being a part of such planned derisiveness. Thank you for listening.

JBH, could I encourage you to not be a "hit and runner." Please stick around and participate where you find something of interest. It's always good to get new voices. Please come in, sit a spell, make yourself at home, and join the party. :lol:
I have read these postings here and elsewhere
In AD for some time now. I will speak up here based on my observations. I saw only a few well wishes to Callums mom compared to the rest of the postings. That alone I think is compelling in the general attitude against the new poster. I now bow out. I have no wish on being a part of such planned derisiveness. Thank you for listening.

No need to thank us. We don't pay much attention to hit and runners.:wave:

JBH, could I encourage you to not be a "hit and runner." Please stick around and participate where you find something of interest. It's always good to get new voices. Please come in, sit a spell, make yourself at home, and join the party. :lol:

Those people who run in to say something about one subject are usually just the subject in a new ID who want to hit back , but look like they have support.
OT: PFH, if you feel like it - I have a question for you in the "Languages" topic. Would love it if you'd care to expound a bit on your thinking in a visual language vis a vis English.
I didn't mean to jump on you like that. The statement "She will be able to hear" is a loaded one, and I just wanted to point out the difference, but you did it for me in your own way. Thanks. I still wuv you. :)

If you are not sure or if the statement is "a loaded one" ask the person to clarify or specify what they mean. I just wanted to point out how people can read a statement and turn it into something totally different. I still wuv you too. :)
here are my thoughts ....people's egos can bring whatever stories they like to them....

I think people can be wonderful, loving parents and still be blinded by their own perceptions based on "hearing= success".

I think that unless one experiences isolation in a mainstream environment in their school years, a person cannot understand how much that experience affects a child in the long run - EVEN with interpreters and various other accommodations and technology.

I think that if the child perceives: "speaking and listening means 'normal' or is 'the goal' " then that perception can color how they feel about themselves.

no matter what piece of equipment a kid wears, at the end of the day at a certain age that kid will know they have something about them that is not the same as what they see the majority of the other kids with, or having.

I think denying the psychological and social needs of deafness <i.e.-my child is different......also known in other circles as "being colorblind"> is an audist thinking pattern

there is quite a relief in being able to be in a group where none of this has to be explained, where YOU yourself need no explanation...where how you intrinsically understand and perceive things is expected and appreciated.
As I said, I did not call anyone an audist, nor did I imply anything. I was responding to DD saying that wanting a child to develop oral skills was not audist. Myreply was that it was not audist, but the belief behind that desire very often was. That applies not just to calum's mum, but to ALL.

Are you actually telling me that audism does not play a role in the decision to have CIs implanted in the majority of the cases?

That again, was a reply to DD stating that perhaps calum's mum has misworded her statement. I maintain, not just calum's mom, but everyone, communicates unspoken messages through the wording they choose.

Really, all of you are trying to take things that are said personally. That really is the issue here, not anything I've said. Every one of the negative responses have come from an all too quick need to jump first and explain later. You really need to drop your defensiveness and your belief that people are always directing things toward you personally. A lot more could be accomplished if that were to happen.

I also think that most of the behind the thinking about what to do away with us to change our ways is very AUDIST to make their life easier and simpler like not having lift the fingers and say the Deaf/Hard of Hearing including the Native American Families will have to do what we have to comply the hearing society.

Audism exists. It is a fact of life. And hearing people are socialized from the time of their birth to embrace audist beliefs. That is just the way it is. It only becomes an insult when someone feels the unreasonable need to defend that which they naturally have through their socialization instead of looking at it and correcting it. Oh, well. You can't force people to develop insight or to be introspective and honest.

It was the same with Native Americans (Families) in both Canada and United States forced to put into the reservation and native children were made to go to the residential school forcing them to change their customs, native languages and traditions. The native children had lots of abuse and were not happy in the residential school. Just because the society and the government want them to be like them as the Whites don't want to change their ways at all.

This was how many deaf children have to put up with hearing parents and "professional authorities" thinking that they are thinking of changing their deafness status to hear and listen especially with CI which is still continuing just like when we are struggling with hearing aids. There is no change at all anyway.

The problem with Native children changing the way with customs, native languages and traditions plus deaf children putting up being forced to do what the hearing parents wants is that many people would rather have an easy way out when they are not listening to any one of us at all and being sooooo superior saying "I have the answers to my children and the children will have to do what I say whether they like or not". They are not helping any of the children at all to be themselves as who they are. The society and the hearing parents are pushing the Native and Deaf children to do what they want.

That is what make us suffer the most and the worse abuse for anyone to tell us what we are suppose to do when we could not do it just to please the hearing society. We are deaf (severe and profound). We are not like the hearing people so wake up. The Hard of Hearing (mild and moderate) seem to have it easy to deal with hearing. No problem but that is a whole different subject all together.
I have read these postings here and elsewhere
In AD for some time now. I will speak up here based on my observations. I saw only a few well wishes to Callums mom compared to the rest of the postings. That alone I think is compelling in the general attitude against the new poster. I now bow out. I have no wish on being a part of such planned derisiveness. Thank you for listening.

Does that mean you are not accepting your child as being deaf? You want to get your deaf child to hear with listening, nothing more. That is what we have been trying to tell the hearing parents for many years that the hearing loss is not the same as "normal" hearing. They kept on hoping that the deaf children will hear like them - normal hearing. But that is not true at all.

So what we are discussing is about the education settings like mainstream schools vs Deaf schools. Going to the mainstream schools hoping the deaf children with CI would cause them to lose the accommodations they need to learn and understand what the teachers and hearing students are saying without having an ASL interpreters. Going to the "Only-oral program" in mainstream schools are going to make worse ever than we have been going through in the past. So it is a repeat all over again as always. No change to the hearing parents' thinking that CI is a miracle, even the hearing aid too.

I have been through a lot in the past. It is not a pretty picture.
:shrug: my hearing aid is a miracle. It's not perfect...... But it sure is nice to have.