Auditioning new stud-muffins for Cheri

AJ said:
ok...ill try to leave u alone tonight...BUT gonna jump on ur saddle baby.

Tommorrow is my birthday, Feb. 27th ...Today was my birthday party because my family has to work on Monday which is tommorrow. :bump:

:barf: I think you are in the wrong saddle. Slams the door shut !!!!

Go see your girlfriend ..... :ugh:
AJ said:
im so upset. i cant believe this happened. Heath i fell in love with u. with ur charm, ur love for overweight people. your weird and concerning love with guns and knives. I WANTED TO HAVE YOUR BABY!!!!!!

i was there when u had ur Penial Enlargement surgery!!!!! and this is what u do to me?!?!?!

Cover my eyes! :eek3:
OH MY HEAVENS! What did I start here. Cheri - I am sorry this thread brought out an insult and I am hoping you aren;t taking it too hard. Other than that, I hope you are laughing you fanny off at the rest of this stuff in here.

Laughter is the best medicine.

I have been where you are and I have nothing but sympathy. Keep laughing sweety.
Heath said:
You are the one who is the homosexual. I am not a homosexual and have nothing to do with that. You got some pretty f*cked up concept of infaution or something like that.
Phew!!!! whats that smell in this room? Smells like somebody throws up too much! I better getta outta of here fast before I catch the virus!