
My mom did really well with atkins until she modified it just a bit and then she gained all her weight back. My mom has been doing LA Weight Loss and loves it. No certain foods just mostly moderation and such. She has lost 110 pounds (she gained all her weight with my brother and I and then she was depressed after my brother died so she gained alot of weight)

Wow, I am sorry about that Alicia, I had no idea you had a brother who died.
My mom did really well with atkins until she modified it just a bit and then she gained all her weight back. My mom has been doing LA Weight Loss and loves it. No certain foods just mostly moderation and such. She has lost 110 pounds (she gained all her weight with my brother and I and then she was depressed after my brother died so she gained alot of weight)

i'm so sorry about the loss of your brother, alicia. :hug: i know what it's like to lose a member of your own family. i lost my mother, father and one of my sisters over the span of 4 years.
thanks guys:) i think about him alot its hard but at least he isn't suffering..he had spina bifida. Aww sorry hearagain that's rough! u are a strong woman tho!!
sry bout off topic
thanks guys:) i think about him alot its hard but at least he isn't suffering..he had spina bifida. Aww sorry hearagain that's rough! u are a strong woman tho!!
sry bout off topic

I'm sorry for you loss, Alicia. :aw:
My mom did really well with atkins until she modified it just a bit and then she gained all her weight back. My mom has been doing LA Weight Loss and loves it. No certain foods just mostly moderation and such. She has lost 110 pounds (she gained all her weight with my brother and I and then she was depressed after my brother died so she gained alot of weight)

I'm sorry.
A low carb diet like Atkins has been shown very beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

BBC NEWS | Health | Study backs worth of Atkins diet

Be careful with it. I have diabetes type 2 and I do not follow this diet except my Dr's and health class by my dr's order. I follow 60 carb each meals with protein and alot of fibers. We learned a new trick how to reduce carb by subtract fiber to carb. That is how I lost weight this way slowly.
The best way to lose weight is to do what you did. Go to your Dr and follow a food plan give by your primary physician.

Thats awesome that you've lost weight! :)
Yes I have been following my doctor's order and have been slowly losing weight since Sept to now. and I am trying to lose another 10 lbs before see my dr in March. . Thanks. I learned hard way years ago.