AT&T/Cingular's new mobile service plan for hearing impaired

Still using the 8525 and loving it every minute. Right now I got Windows Mobile 6 Pro installed on it and running Windows Live so I have 2 push mails coming to my 8525. One from Exchange server and one from hotmail so hardly use any battery from it.

The Windows Mobile 6 Pro isn't avaiable from the carriers yet but however it can be found on internet and installed on your phone at your own risk of course.

I also got Agile and IM+ installed and I like IM+ better. It seem to keep connection alive and reconnect sucessfully when Agile fails to reconnect after it goes out or range of signal cell towers and back in range.

It got all the goodies on it ie MsWord or MsExecl etc and even MobiTV so I can watch TV on it but no CC. They did mentioned somewhere that they were experimenting it with subtitles.

One thing is GPS is disabled on that phone and front camera is removed so I don't know why Cingular did that on their branded HTC Hermes however they are supposed to come out this fall a new one like the 8525 with GPS and front camera so it will have 2 camera rear and front that the front is use for video phone converations.

But the camera on the rear take real nice pictures for a phone and even a video movies too which isn't even bad either.

This is one phone Ill be keeping for a long time unless something comes out better in the near future like a front camera.

That does not answer my question when I asked "status" I was referring you getting TAP assistance so did you get it or not? since this thread is about TAP provided by NCCD
That does not answer my question when I asked "status" I was referring you getting TAP assistance so did you get it or not? since this thread is about TAP provided by NCCD

Well it an old thread and I thought you were wondering the status of the 8525 and if I had recieved the phone yet etc etc etc.

Yes I am on TAP plan since then.
