Ask a hearing person named HearYe a question.

well....I thought this thread was sort of "smart aleky" to begin with...
well....I thought this thread was sort of "smart aleky" to begin with...

Yeah, and it all began with him posting the thread asking how do deafies learn how to read. It was a serious question and then I got into it with him on something a little different and he was exposed. oops....
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Oh man...

It's math and It's confusing.

In oder for your example to work hearing drivers would have to be a 3:1 ratio to deaf drivers.

Math is not confusing me or us deafies. We know what you're saying...

Suppose that there is 10 million hearing drivers and 10 million deaf drivers in U.S., deaf drivers would be still having a way lower percentage in auto accident than hearies. Trust me on this one.
I don't understand the question.

If you mean: Why do hearing people get into car accidents three times as much as deaf people?

I would say: Still, percentage wise, there would be a much larger percentage of deaf people being in car accidents.

And you would be wrong. the deaf person does not have the distraction of conversations, noise and radio. IT has been a proven fact (I don't know where the link is) that deaf driver are a lot safer than hearing drivers.
A famous judge in Colorado said one time, a long time ago: "Hearing nor the lack of it is not a basis for safe driving". I disagree a little bit because if one loses one faculty, one sharpens closer to perfection those faculties he/she has left and therefore; for purposes of this discussion, I think most deaf drivers are safer than most hearing drivers.

P.S. I take some of that back; I think the judge meant that deaf drivers are safer. And I agree.....
A famous judge in Colorado said one time, a long time ago: "Hearing nor the lack of it is not a basis for safe driving". I disagree a little bit because if one loses one faculty, one sharpens closer to perfection those faculties he/she has left and therefore; for purposes of this discussion, I think most deaf drivers are safer than most hearing drivers.

P.S. I take some of that back; I think the judge meant that deaf drivers are safer. And I agree.....

They are...deaf drivers are safer, no matter what the hearing perspective is on that....And it's not rocket-science to undy it!
Never once did I say that deaf drivers are less safe than hearing drivers, or that they get into more accidents.
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Never once did I saw that deaf drivers are less safe than hearing drivers, or that they get into more accidents.


Edited to add: Nevermind, I guess you meant "say".
And you would be wrong. the deaf person does not have the distraction of conversations, noise and radio. IT has been a proven fact (I don't know where the link is) that deaf driver are a lot safer than hearing drivers.

What about if the deaf driver is in the car with other passengers trying to keep up on conversation by watching signs or speech reading?

I'd say focused drivers are the safest drivers. It's not about deaf or hearing, it's about focused or distracted. A deaf driver who's signing with their buddy in the back is just as distracted as the hearing driver who's on their cell phone. A hearing or deaf driver that focuses on the road is the safest driver.