As alldeaf turns. {a play}

Oh, boy. Cover my eyes. BBNT will scream in agony!! LOL *crackle whipping*.
Scene 38

In today's story................................

JavaPride: "Could I have some clothes please?"

DoVip: "If it will get you out of my garden, follow me."

They both go in DoVip's home and he open's his closet.

JavaPride: "Wow you sure have a lot of women's clothes, is your wife home?"

DoVip: "No wife, these clothes are mine."

JavaPride: "Huh??"

DoVip: "I'm a cross dresser, I enjoy wearing women's clothes."

JavaPride: "For real?"

DoVip: "I'm wearing silk panties right now."

JavaPride: "Hmmm"

DoVip: "Do you see anything you like?"

JavaPride: "Really?"

DoVip: "Sure just bring it back." I've got this leather mini skirt or how about a strapless black evening gown?"

JavaPride: "I love everything."

DoVip: "What size bra do you wear?"

JavaPride: "Bra?"

DoVip: "Sure I have everything, my favorite is this new one that just came out . You can pump it up to whatever size you want."

In another part of alldeaf................................

pimpdaddyposse has finally made it to the bus station. He's got his ticket and is waiting for him bus.

LinuxGold: "pimpdaddyposse?"

pimpdaddyposse: "LinuxGold!! Hey long time no see. What are you doing here?"

LinuxGold: "I was flying some bus drivers here from out of State because of the strike."

pimpdaddyposse: "Flying?"

LinuxGold: "Yeah I have my own plane, but I've haven't been flying lately because I've been in the hospital."

pimpdaddyposse: "Hospital? What happen?"

LinuxGold: "Well I had been having these headaches for a while and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then one day I was taking my dog for a walk and my head exploded."

pimpdaddyposse: "Exploded?"

LinuxGold: "Yeah, a 3 inch piece of the back of my skull blew out. The doctor said it was all those big words I had learned over the years it was just to much for my brain. By the time I woke up in the hospital I had lost 200,000 words of my vocabulary.

pimpdaddyposse: "That sucks."

LinuxGold: "And the worst part is I can't right poems anymore."

pimpdaddyposse: "You can't?"

LinuxGold: "I lost to much of my vocabulary." I've tried and tried but all my poems suck now. I'll show you what I mean. I have been working on this one for 2 days let me read it to you."

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My woman gave me crabs,
And now I cry boo hoo."

pimpdaddyposse: "I see what you mean."

LinuxGold: "To top it all off I had this wacko doctor named Banjo who left his scalpel in my head and they had to do surgery again to get it out."

pimpdaddyposse: "Are you going to sue?"

LinuxGold: "I'm not suing the doctor but I am suing the nurse {ChelEler} because I think she was fondling my when I was asleep after surgery."

to be continued............................
ROFLMAO!!!! I am laughing so hard at work off hours! Everyone are looking at me like some retard. *laughing still soo hard* Good job, *sits down on chair* *pulls some honey popcorn* Waiting for next scene....
OMFG!! I always knew there was something about ChelEler girly!!! Now you can't blame it on those extra pregnancy hormones!! :twisted: *flicks tongue* LMFAO!!! :ily: Chel girly!
Oooooooooooooh....poor Katzie trying to figger out who's the father of the baby!! :rofl: I'm sure one day in one the upcoming scenes she'll eventually out! ;)


keep it up BBNT ur doing the best job ever!!!!!1 waitingf for the next one LOL!
Hey, I just saw a glimpse of BBNT's series in commerical, it indicated a hint of bbnt's presence, scolding at Alex, "I can't believe it! I caught you and Kevbo behind Target store, making out...." I am now in deep dire to see the upcoming scene!!
Scene 39..........Note to self {kill off LinuxGold's character in a future scene}

In our play today..................................

PiercedPixie: " I need help bartending, we are doing so much business I can't keep up with the customers."

LezArtist: "I can understand that. We've been busier then I ever anticipated."

pinkster: "And we can more then afford it but who are we going to hire?

PiercedPixie: "Let me introduce you to my friend who just walked in the door. This is funnybebe78 and we used to bartend together a long time ago."

funnybebe78 "Ummmm howdy."

LezArtist: "Please to meet you."

pinkster: "You seem a little nervous is everything ok?"

funnybebe78: "Do you keep foil on the windows??"

LezArtist: "Foil?"

funnybebe78: "To keep the aliens out!" Where's your bathroom?

pinkster: "Down there 2 door on the left?"

PiercedPixie: "You'll have to excuse my friend she's a little on the paranoid side, but I'll vouch for her as a bartender."


Alex and Kevbo have just walked into Brother Thomas room on the 4th floor of the Monastery.

Brother Thomas: "What can I do for you?"

Alex: "May I shut the door?"

Brother Thomas: "Certainly."

Alex: "Your a monk right?"

Brother Thomas: "Yes , just as all the others that reside here."

Alex: "We need your belly button lint."

Brother Thomas: "What!?"

Alex: "Look it's a really long story and I could tell you but you probably wouldn't believe me anyway so you could save us both time and just give me your belly button lint."

Brother Thomas: "Please leave now!"

Alex: "Ok I guess we'll do it the hard way."

Alex rushes the Monk and tackles him. Kevbo covers the monks mouth so he cant scream. Brother Thomas manages to get to his feet and as the three men struggle as they fall over a chair in the room and crash out the bedroom window and fall 4 floors landing in a garden where the monks grow their own food.

Alex: "Ow, Damn I think I feel in a patch of beets."

Kevbo: "Shit, I landed in tomatoes and now I'm covered in this red icky crap."

Alex: "Ha, Look at brother Thomas, his head landed in a watermelon and he's stuck. Quick stick you finger in his robe and grab the belly button lint."

Kevbo: " I got it! Wait no this is a dark curly hair!?

Alex: "You put your finger in to low try again!"

In another part of alldeaf................

Lasza: "Hey your out of jail!!"

OldNavyGirl: Yeah and I'm mad at you. You weren't straight with me."

Lasza: "I know and I'm sorry, but you looked so down after you lost your job and apartment. I was just trying to help. What are you going to do now?"

OldNavyGirl: "Freaky promised me work here doing odd jobs."

Lasza: "Oh good cause I'm entertaining in my room tonight and I'll need your help."

OldNavyGirl: "Help with what?"

Lasza: "Keeping me supplied with batteries for my toys."

OldNavyGirl: "Toys?"

Lasza: "Yeah I'm entertaining the Williams triplets and those boy's are kinky. Ok lets go over what I'm going to need for tonight."

Three G- spot vibrators.

Four 15 inch double headed dildo's.

Two body Harnesses.

4 sets of wrists and ankle cuffs.

4 blindfolds.

Two gallons of anal lubricant.

Lasza: "hmmm I wonder if that's enough?"

OldNavyGirl: "Enough??"

Lasza: "Yeah better make it 3 gallons."

to be continued.............................
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOW u got the funnybebe78 in this LMAO Im gonna e mail her pager to let her know abt this LMAO LMAO THATS SOO FUNNY! KEEP it up!
hahahahhaha lots of toys? LOLOLOL must be a lot of KINKY fun!! hahahahahaha!
Oh my, too many toys than I thought. very funny!!:laugh2:
:-o Ha ha ha! LMFAO It's funny catching up two weeks worth of this and see where all this went!

I swear, I am not straight! :laugh2:

Keep up the good work!