Are you the only or the first deaf person in ur entire family?

I am the only deaf in my family, when my hearing started to go at the age of 19 my parents wouldnt accept that I would be completely Deaf by the age of 30. I had to arrange my own hearing aids etc. My sister wouldnt go out socialising with me when I was wearing them. Now I have a "Deaf voice" I get ridiculed by certain family members I hate it. I find it very lonely being the only one.
Hi first post ever on this site . So If I screwed up please tell me. Anyways about being the only deaf person in the family . My dad lost his hearing in WW2 . With me how ever it has been a steady hearing loss. And now I cant hear a lick with out my hearing aid.
I also have tinnutis somedays it isnt too bad but this morning it is driving me up the wall.
I am only deaf in my family. I just happen to be born Deaf with no known diesease that affects my mom at all like Germany Measles, rubella, etc. However, I heard some rumors from my family saying that my father did have a child with other lady that happens to be deaf too. Since its only rumors so I can say I am only deaf in my family so far. :dunno:
I'm the only HoH in my family, with the exception of some older relatives who lost hearing due to age.
I found out that my grandfather was HOH. he had one of his eardrums blown out as a childfrom an explosion near where he lived in Brooklyn. As far as I know there has not been any deaf people in my family. I will have to ask my mother.
nope. My grandma have 3 deaf sisters. I have one deaf older sister. Her three deaf sisters were signing deaf. My sister and I were oral only deaf
My son is the only deaf in the family, but I have no doubt that when he finally decides to marry, I will be blessed with a deaf DIL.
I was the first deaf to be born in both sides of the family and then my brother was born later. Now, it is the two of us.
I am the first total deaf, my father was hoh and my kids are hoh. No one else that we know of.
No. I had deaf grandparents.

My husband's family has progressive hearing loss. His grandfather was full deaf.

My children hearing but one has progressive hearing loss, so eventually won't be.
I am the only HOH person in my famliy , I have no idea if anyone else was .
My parents never said there was , but who know maybe there where some way back. I wish I did know.
I am the only deaf in my family, when my hearing started to go at the age of 19 my parents wouldnt accept that I would be completely Deaf by the age of 30. I had to arrange my own hearing aids etc. My sister wouldnt go out socialising with me when I was wearing them. Now I have a "Deaf voice" I get ridiculed by certain family members I hate it. I find it very lonely being the only one.

:( That is so unfair. Nobody can hurt you quite like your family, huh.
I am the only deaf in my family. I do have a family member that has lost her hearing due to old age, but that's it.
I am fortunate that I was born into a deaf family, my parents are deaf and so is my sister. I have deaf aunts, cousins, nephew, ah the list is endless. Obviously, it is due to genetics. I was the only one who was born hearing but lost half of my hearing when I was two years old, so I never felt "different' as a child because I wasn't alone.