Are Deaf Child road signs embarrassing?

I myself as a responsible parent had deaf child signs posted in each direction on my street near my house. That doesn't guarantee anything and I still have my guard up when my child is out playing.

The sign is not there asking for pity. It is there to alert drivers that there is a deaf child in the area that will not hear a car approaching or a horn blowing. It is strictly for Safety reasons and nothing to do with pity.

I can't see where having them up could hurt anything including my childs self esteem. My son is well liked by his friends and completly loved by his family. We are proud of him and support him in every way. I really don't think a sign will impact his self esteem. When he is older and I am confident he is aware of the dangers of the street I will have the signs removed.
Get the city to put in many speed bumps. That will make the drivers slow down drastically.

I agree but it was too late now. We all moved out of this town years years ago. I assume lots of parents included my parents didn't really know much about the sign in back time that the sign should be there. that was in late 1970's. eh.
embarrassing? well hey - better than hitting or killing a child. it's same as "DEER CROSSING" or "FALLING ROCKS."

we need to protect those rocks from ignorant tourist and passerbys, support your local rock dealer *hehe* so we can make this a better society for rocks everywhere, because every rock has the right to live, this meesage brought to you by a complete idiot.
Another view of this whole issue is to think of how many lives of children, deaf or not, were/are going to be saved, potentially.