Anyone had been stopped by wal-mart secuirty?

Never stopped at Walmart at all. Seen others got stopped when alarm went off though.

Strangely at Sports Authority sporting store, I walked IN the door and the alarm went off! I had NOTHING on me. They demanded to see my driver's license! They are jerks! So, I refuse to go shopping at that store. When I was leaving, they turned off the alarm. My wife was with me and I think she asked why that happened. They said they have to be too highly set whatever system that will cause alarm go off. You see, they are too worried about people stealing sporting goods. They should know that I am WALKING INTO the store!! DUH! This was during Christmas season. Never there again.
I actually have a funny story that happened to my boyfriend.. I was with him.. We went to Circuit city cuz he wanted to buy some games.. and we had already bought the games and all that.. we were going out of the store when the alarm went off.. so they checked reciept and our items... said ok can go... we went through the security again.. alarm went off again.. they were confused.. cuz they knew us since we'd been going there a lot and never had this problem. so they check again.. and we gave them other bag from other store nearby.. they check everything.. turns out one of the other bags had something that wasn't scanned correctly, so they scanned for us... and we tried to put through a second time... everything was fine.

And people shouldn't stop shopping at a store just because of 1 bad incident.. I've seen some ADers say they won't shop at a store after 1 problem. The security alarm can go off at any time for any reason.. it's not the store's fault. And getting mad at the store doesn't prove anything.

And I'm sorry the orginator of this t hread had that happen to him. But remember that stores nowadays do have to be careful cuz stealing stuff costs them a LOT of money.
Oh yeah same here LOL, it happened to me once when I brought a couple of games, and the sale lady forgot to scan one game, and the alarm did go off but I didn't hear anything until security guard stopped me before I was able to walk into the parking lot....I was so embarrassed because people were staring at me like if I was actually stealing something but I wasn't...Goodness

Oh yeah me too I hate being embarrassed lol :lol: