Anybody lives in North Carolina? I have a question.

I don't know. Are you easily scared? Do you want me to hold you?

(Whack the back of your head) Jiro! Don't be childish now! It's my job to ensure that I get to live a longer life without having to worrying about crime anywhere here!

Granted, it's best if I go and find out more information about each cities, so I can rest easily. Last month, I watch WCTI 12 news channel, Kara Coleman said that I can rest easily that Jacksonville is safest city. Well that doesn't convince me well enough. Here I am tremble with fear to struggle.

I get so used to New Jersey easily....
it's a very complicated relationship because it can also be like this - a state with less population tends to have a more conservative, homogeneous view - meaning... their racist view is more pronounced and their backgrounds are very similar - same race, race religion, same opinion, etc.

I've had a great opportunity to learn about this complex relationship from this genius professor. this course teaches about population, census, people, and the whole relationships relating to it. That's why I'm considering pursuing graduate degree in this - urban planning or related. it's fascinating really.

I don't think conservative = racism
I don't think conservative = racism

only to some degree. Like you said - conservative doesn't necessary means racist. Sometimes it is. That's why I said it's a very complicated relationship.

For example - Japan and Korea are one of the most homogeneous countries in Asia and they do hold a very racist views toward certain race such as Chinese and Vietnamese (they view them as inferior Asian race).
(Whack the back of your head) Jiro! Don't be childish now! It's my job to ensure that I get to live a longer life without having to worrying about crime anywhere here!

Granted, it's best if I go and find out more information about each cities, so I can rest easily. Last month, I watch WCTI 12 news channel, Kara Coleman said that I can rest easily that Jacksonville is safest city. Well that doesn't convince me well enough. Here I am tremble with fear to struggle.

I get so used to New Jersey easily....

if you want to live a long life, stop being afraid. the longer you tremble with fear, the shorter your life is. that's the fact. I'm not lying. Jiro does not lie.
yep. I've posted the links a while ago explaining about NY-NJ exodus to North Carolina and Pennsylvania (we're losing about 200,000 people per year if I remember correctly). It's been happening for past few years due to rising living cost and ridiculous taxes especially income tax and property tax. The taxes we pay in here are probably enough to feed hundreds of mouths :(

Maybe I should join the pilgrimage! NC gun law sounds pretty damn reasonable and common sense! j/k

Yes, Most of NY/NJ move out to NC, SC, GA, PA, or where else due to the highest property taxes. Ironically, white people move out of NJ whereas immigrants move in to NJ. It is almost equal number of population, believe it or not. Strange. I wonder how immigrant people can survive through living in those rental units???
yep. not surprising! it's a very sneaky move! our small cities in NJ are doing same tactic. That's why Jersey City, Hoboken, and Newark are transforming. It's actually livable for New Yorkers.


Well, Some parts of Hoboken/JC (specifically waterfront areas) are not livable for some other people like me. Renting a tony studio will cost you at $1600-$2000 a month. If you want a bedroom apt, it will charge you around $3000-$5000 a month! :eek3:
I don't about you, but I never met one in my life. Now I have heard racist comments (especially when it comes to their family's love life) but that happen anywhere.

I lived in Alabama for 1 year now and don't see KKK in anywhere but pretty rare.

Missouri has plenty of KKK and Nazi so I believe and south isn't alone, it means midwest does have one like rest of US.
Yet your story somehow got me to thinking more carefully, most of my family live here now. It's just that if I step one foot on KKK compound, they'd wield their weapons to beat the holy hell out of me and left me dead. Mind you, I'm black guy here, it's just that I'm looking for a safe place to live to recovering myself from this bad economy.

If you are concern about it so avoid to live in rural area or town with homogeneous white.

You would have similar problem if you live in latino neighborhood too.
(Whack the back of your head) Jiro! Don't be childish now! It's my job to ensure that I get to live a longer life without having to worrying about crime anywhere here!

Newflash: There are crime-ridden places everywhere. There are safe places everywhere. No entire state is safe or unsafe. No entire city is safe or unsafe. Neighborhoods are safe or unsafe, not states or cities.

Newflash: There are crime-ridden places everywhere. There are safe places everywhere. No entire state is safe or unsafe. Neighborhoods are safe or unsafe, not states.


it's funny that Prime Boss would feel safe in NJ. The town he wants to move to is only 9 miles away from the most dangerous city in USA - Camden (link)