Angels, Ghosts, or Demons

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CyberRed said:
I believe there's spirits out there...but, one thing about demons -- do not contact the demons to open the doors to welcome them in your lives.They are very "destructive" evil angels ( demons ). Don't use Ouija board or some kinds of witchcrafts or what ever that contact the dead spirits. I am just givin' pre-cautious. I don't trust demons at all.

I agree about the caution about demons.

If a person has been given natural gifts that may make them open to the spiritual world, that person must take extra care to keep God first in their life, and to ask Him to give only what He means them to see, and nothing else. I DO think sometimes God has things He wants a person to see--but that person must take great care to pray a LOT.

I've had certain things happen throughout my life, and as a result, I try very hard to make sure that I pray for God to guide my dreams at night. It's helped a lot both in terms of avoiding or escaping dangerous or scary situations.
Rose Immortal said:
I agree about the caution about demons.

If a person has been given natural gifts that may make them open to the spiritual world, that person must take extra care to keep God first in their life, and to ask Him to give only what He means them to see, and nothing else. I DO think sometimes God has things He wants a person to see--but that person must take great care to pray a LOT.

I've had certain things happen throughout my life, and as a result, I try very hard to make sure that I pray for God to guide my dreams at night. It's helped a lot both in terms of avoiding or escaping dangerous or scary situations.

Yep, you are right about takin' extra care to keep God first in their life. I totally agree. I do admit that I've seen some "jealousy, competition, cold heart, snob, gossipin', and ignorin'" in front of me in this AD. I couldn't hold that any longer to tell you this after I realized that you knew what it really was about the "demons" thing that I just gave pre-cautious about. But, I just move on and share my pieces anyway. Thanks to my courage... that courage was the gift from God.
And, yes I do agree about God has things He wants a person to see. He did it to me in the past when I first saw my mother - it was very terrifyin' experience for me but, then after that I was impacted pretty hard from the shock. I couldn't talk for awhile - for maybe like a few hours, I would say. I will never forget that day. Pray does help alot with faith.

Oh really?? You can see people's personality like cold heart, jealousy, etc. Oh noooo, I hope you don't find me anything.:)

I found the scripture, Levitius 19:31

It says, "Do not look for advice from people who get messages from those who have died. Do not go to people who talk to the spirits of the dead. If you do, they will make you "unclean". I am the Lord your God."

I did not know that!! I am so glad to see that scripture because I thought like Sylvia Browne, spiritualist, was good but she is NOT. She is the devil. eeekkk....scary!!

Cheri said:
What about ghosts that are unaware that they are dead, and lives in their homes? What about ghosts had touch base with living people passing message to them to get justice for their murder as finding their killers I've seen that on true story movie, So You're saying demons is using their body to find their own killers? That doesn't sound right. :confused:
There are no ghosts. Every time you see the word "ghost" replace it with "demon".

Dead souls are in heaven or hell. They don't have a choice. They have no control over their destination after death. They can't touch earth again. They can't communicate with living people.

My theory:

Demons are very clever about immitating deceased people. Demons have been around since the beginning of time, so they have heard and seen every thing happen. So, they use that knowledge to trick people into believing that they (the demons) are the "ghosts" of dead people that they knew. For example, a woman might think she has met her dead husband's ghost because he knows all about their private moments of life. How? The demon was able to watch and listen to them during their private times, just like we watch movies on TV. The demon can use that private information to act like the dead person. That is also how many people think they see ghosts of people from hundreds of years ago. That demon actually lived during that period, so it has full knowledge of the people and history of that time.

Same thing about "ghosts" who solve crimes. Sometimes they are demons who observed the crime happen. Other times, they are fake stories or fake mediums. Sometimes they are just psychological manifestations by witnesses to crimes who had supressed the memory of the crime and use the "ghost" to release painful memories and experiences.

Wow!! I am so glad that you said something about demons who are very clever.

I remembered in 6 1/2 years ago (a little bit more than 6 1/2 yrs ago). After I dreamed of Jesus. Then, I started to learn more about God and spirit world - other side. Then I saw Sylvia Browne on tv. I was trying to understand so I went to the bookstore and I bought few of her books and I read and read. She said about lights flickers and somehow, I caught my lights to be flickered. I got sooo excited. I thought it meant that it was my parents. The light flickers stayed on and on for a long time. I got tired of it. The lights flickered were still there on and off. I communicated with the spirits to come down here and the lights flickered. And then, I started to learn how to use the Bible in about 2 years ago as I tried to read the bible in 3 and 4 and 5 years ago but I didn't understand. Finally, someone helped me to learn how to use the bible. It took me very, very slow - it was too overwhelming and plus of course, I have two young kids, errands, my kids' schools, their activities, etc. Not very easy....but anyway...guess what? The lights fickers STOPPED....I have NOT seen it for a long time - maybe 2 years!! Wow, that means it was DEMONS!! Thanks a lot to very bad demons. I am so mad at them for fooling me. I did NOT know!!!!! sigh!!

Stay away from ghosts, orbs, lights flickers, etc!!!! I told my siblings about lights flickers, orbs, spiritualist, etc and they all told me that they don't believe in it. I was struggled to understand why they didn't believe it. They did not tell me about the bible but my sister who is a Sunday school teacher did tell me what the bible said but she did not show me the scripture. I didn't get it. But now, I saw that scripture Levitius 19:31. I got it.

Not very funny about demons!!

I agree about consulting others who claim to be into these things--extremely dangerous. If God has something He wants a person to see, He will do it directly without an intermediary who would introduce his or her agenda (which is likely corrupt). And He will have total control over what happens--not you, or any other force. Again, prayer to God is key here, because I DO believe He gives dreams and other things sometimes. The Bible speaks of such dreams, and of true angels. But only prayer can ensure that you are shielded to things that are harmful.
Reba said:
You are right that Satan and his demons are technically still angels. The difference is, they are bad angels. They still have supernatural abilities like the good angels. Good and bad angels can transform themselves to appear as other beings. The difference is, good angels obey God, bad angels (demons) obey Satan.

So, yes, demons can change their outward appearance but they can't change their evil nature inside.
I agree with you. When the Satan acts like an angel of light, he can betray us anywhere because he is still evil, even his demons.
Yeah, do NOT worry
about these demons only because
God always overcome/beat
these demons anyway.
P.S. It's nice to know that God always wins.
CyberRed said:
I believe there's spirits out there...but, one thing about demons -- do not contact the demons to open the doors to welcome them in your lives.They are very "destructive" evil angels ( demons ). Don't use Ouija board or some kinds of witchcrafts or what ever that contact the dead spirits. I am just givin' pre-cautious. I don't trust demons at all.

Ghosts and spirits are not same.

Bad angels are usually hang around with people who done horrible things to other people alike murder. You can sense it when u around those people and knew they are not safe to be around. Avoid them, unfortunely not too many people have able to sense this. They ended up being harmed by those people.
Y said:
Yeah, do NOT worry
about these demons only because
God always overcome/beat
these demons anyway.
P.S. It's nice to know that God always wins.

True, I am no afraid of them. Faced them and learned they have no power over me cuz God is with me.
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