AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

not interested :aw:


Like I told you on Sat...I dream of going to Australia. Remmy you and my hubby talked about Australia since he has been there.

It seems like I have been to so many places in the USA and my hubby has been in many places throughout the world. Strange...

Yes, I remember the conversation you and your hubby want to visit again (first time for you though) and it is worth the time to visit one day.

Hey JClarke..what's the average cost to fly from USA to Australia?

It depends on the airline from $800 to $3,000
Sorry for the late posting...I am in college during the day now.

I am 5' 8 1/2" bare foot....I was cheating on Sat and I was wearing 2 1/2" heels. So that made me 5' 11". But yeah usually I tower over the 'average' woman.

And to add my vote for the next meeting. I would love Vegas, but cannot afford it so the closer the better for this poor college student. LOL
I know Shel. I was just bustin your chesticles.

LOL..I wanted to drink more and get a good buzz but I was disappointed with the bar's choices.They didnt have any of my favorite drinks. My fault because I am not a big drinker especially when I am not into hard liquore. I ordered an orange juice with vodka and it tasted like 3/4ths of vodka and 1/4 was gross! My hubby loved loved the beer there. Too bad I am not a beer fan, otherwise, I would have enjoyed what the bar had to offer.
LOL..I wanted to drink more and get a good buzz but I was disappointed with the bar's choices.They didnt have any of my favorite drinks. My fault because I am not a big drinker especially when I am not into hard liquore. I ordered an orange juice with vodka and it tasted like 3/4ths of vodka and 1/4 was gross! My hubby loved loved the beer there. Too bad I am not a beer fan, otherwise, I would have enjoyed what the bar had to offer.
the beer there was good. :)
My hubby was another story. He was big time WASTED! :lol:

:giggle: LOL sorry about that...the bar was way too dark for me to clearly understand everyone after a while.
Your hubby and I sat in our "hearie corner" and drank while we watched everyone have a blast. XD
My hubby got frisky with JClarke by giving him a wedgie!!! Not kidding! I think my hubby was getting too frisky with anyone at the end of the evening! LOL!

Hey, Mac says that you all were SO awesome...he had a great great time as well.
:giggle: LOL sorry about that...the bar was way too dark for me to clearly understand everyone after a while.
Your hubby and I sat in our "hearie corner" and drank while we watched everyone have a blast. XD

I ssaaawwwww yooouuuu getting too frisky with Mac!!
My hubby got frisky with JClarke by giving him a wedgie!!! Not kidding! I think my hubby was getting too frisky with anyone at the end of the evening! LOL!

Hey, Mac says that you all were SO awesome...he had a great great time as well.
She's not kidding, mac did give me a wedgie! :lol:
My hubby got frisky with JClarke by giving him a wedgie!!! Not kidding! I think my hubby was getting too frisky with anyone at the end of the evening! LOL!

:giggle: We all had a blast. And I needed it after my first full week back in school. As for the wedgieing of JClark, it was more that Mac was saving my vision from the shock of JClarke's underwear. He was right in front of me when he was bowing to Alex! :shock: