AG Bell against ASL commerical


Lemme join! If someone can pay for my flights over to the U.S :lol:
E^T@#$%&^Y$@^&#%^Y QERH I'm piss'n off..
I'm going rant this fucking AGBELL=AGBAD!
It looks like most said it did not show at all. It looks like AGBell had them pull it offair? That's disgusting of them :ugh3:
Who knows? I have no idea because I didn't watch super bowl at all.
Calvin, I agree.

AG Bell Organization hasn't realize what is coming for them.

Btw - Count me in. I'm all for the protest against AG Bell Organization. ;)
AGBell needs to be shut down.
I wrote the letter to AGBELL..

I'm very angrily at you because you complain against the Pepsi Deaf Commercial and want to stop aired.
You have no rights!

You gonna be sorry!
All Deaf People will protest against you for sure.
Unbelievable.. you're being so SELFISH and goal destroy Deaf Community.
You refused move on and let Deaf Commercial.


Thank you
That is going to take a whole community effort so will need a lot of volunteers cuz they are a powerfully funded organization support by the cochler implant companies.

Exactly. This is one issue we all need to come together on. Everyone needs to send an email protest. Don't sit back and say "oh, everyone else is protesting, so I don't need to." Every single email counts.