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Interesting the amount of time "utilized" " psudopsychologizing my supposed thinking". Time allocation unimportant in real life?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Time allocation in real life is very much under control. Might you be able to say the same? You seem to have an awfully lot of it on your hands. Deaf swimming can't take up that much of your time.:cool2:
Being retired helps. Major work activity, other than computer reading/ various dance activities and deaf swimming- cashing various cheques.

Thanks Bottesini: suggesting -deaf walking- for that slacker Prof SKY-needs exercise!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Being retired helps. Major work activity, other than computer reading/ various dance activities and deaf swimming- cashing various cheques.

Thanks Bottesini: suggesting -deaf walking- for that slacker Prof SKY-needs exercise!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Here's a suggestion: adult education.
Advanced clinical psychology for Unretired beginners-next night school class being considered. Hope doesn't conflict with already taken: Swing dance class

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Advanced clinical psychology for Unretired beginners-next night school class being considered. Hope doesn't conflict with already taken: Swing dance class

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

You'd be better off simply educating yourself through interaction with the Deaf community. Swing dancing might be good for your exercise regimen, but it does nothing to expand your knowledge or your perspective.:cool2:
Just checked my activity schedule- lots of free time around from 1.00am to 6.00 am consultations re "learning deaf values"/ deaf sports". Not sure if the Seniors section at Bob Rumball's deaf centre is open- round the clock? Another "minor" problem how much will I have to pay for ASL interpreters in the early morning hours?

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07
Reality check: I do accept being Bilaterally deaf that is why I use a Cochlear Implant.

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07
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Just checked my activity schedule- lots of free time around from 1.00am to 6.00 am consultations re "learning deaf values"/ deaf sports". Not sure if the Seniors section at Bob Rumball's deaf centre is open- round the clock? Another "minor" problem how much will I have to pay for ASL interpreters in the early morning hours?

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07

If you had accepted your deafness years ago and learned ASL, that would not be a concern.:cool2:
Nice to know that some members of concerned about my attempt at learning intro ASL way back in 1996/97 is of such "pressing momentous import".
In the new Canada 2011 Census-asked my "sex",age and what SPOKEN language I used

Reality check- I became bilateral deaf-December 20, 2006 and I joined in July last year.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
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