AD2 Bugs and Problems


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
If you encounter any problems, or have found a bug on this forum, please post here and I'll get on it. Thanks.

Hmm, in smiles gallery, I see 2 same face.

Also one more thing

I can't even post owned

Cuz when I do it'll show this

I also noticed that after a unread thread has been read, it remains "unread" so when I return to the front page, I can't tell if I've read it or not.
Originally posted by cloud
Hmm, in smiles gallery, I see 2 same face.

Also one more thing

I can't even post owned

Cuz when I do it'll show this

That's correct, that is what i am frustrated with.. Thinking that there is something unread.
I think you need to fix your smilies list as well. Make sure all of them are small smiliey (not like bsflag, asshole or happy birthday)
"Rate this thread" isn't function either. :(

I couldn't see star from the "rate" column.
Remove "rate this thread" !!! :greddy:
There is no preview reply at PM, i couldn't see to make sure before I send to someone thru Private Message.
Originally posted by illustrator
"Rate this thread" isn't function either. :(

I couldn't see star from the "rate" column.

Well it's work fine here..

But yes, remove "rate this thread"
two more things

is it possible that you can rearrange the smiley box to the top 15 used smileys?


i get e-mails from every thread i subscribe to. i'd like to keep subscribing but not get the e-mails themselves.
I recieved an email a minute ago that someone replied in 'First Post' thread. As you know, yesterday I've changed the option to stop getting emails and now I just got one email. Maybe you can delete my post in that thread and see if it stops emailing me the reply?
Originally posted by e
I recieved an email a minute ago that someone replied in 'First Post' thread. As you know, yesterday I've changed the option to stop getting emails and now I just got one email. Maybe you can delete my post in that thread and see if it stops emailing me the reply?

lucky, yahoo come with "block"

I dunno what's hell wrong with option, I did click to turn off without necessary for this sites to send the notice. Grr...
I already become "Senior Member" - where is the option that I could edit into my own custom text? :(
Originally posted by e
I recieved an email a minute ago that someone replied in 'First Post' thread. As you know, yesterday I've changed the option to stop getting emails and now I just got one email. Maybe you can delete my post in that thread and see if it stops emailing me the reply?
Go in that thread and edit to your post and uncheck the box. Then you won't receive it again. Hope that helps you.
Cloud: I deleted the dupes, and now the Owned emoticon should be typed with a capital "O"

Vampyrox: I'll find out soon.

Kevbo: I'm working on re-arranging the emoticons window.

Illustrator: The rate system still don't work? Are you sure? I haven't tried it yet but I will soon. About the limited image size, yes, I believe I can enable/disable that. By the way, I believe there's no preview function when composing PMs. Sorry.

Elyse: I did what Kevin said, and disabled the "Notify Me When Someone Replies" feature in your original thread. Let me know if you still get e-mails, and from what thread. Thanks.

Anyone who doesn't want to get e-mails when someone replies to your thread, make sure you disable Email Notification in your control panel. If you created a thread before you disabled the Email Notification within your control panel, and you still get e-mails, then you need to edit that thread and uncheck "Notify Me When Someone Replies."