A plea to American Christians

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May 31, 2005
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Hi AllDeaf Readers,

This article caught my eye and I read in the Jerusalem Post recently a very moving plea from the office of former communications deputy director for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for believers to stand with Israel like never before. Here is that full article.

A plea to American Christians:

Michael Freund, THE JERUSALEM POST Dec. 12, 2006

The clock is ticking, yet no one wishes to hear it. The countdown to a nuclear Iran has begun, and with each passing day the nightmare scenario draws ever closer to becoming a reality.

In just a few months' time, if all goes according to plan, the tyrant of Teheran will preside over a celebration of terrifying, and history-altering, significance.

His goal, as he has stated repeatedly in recent weeks, is to complete the installation of thousands of centrifuges, the devices used to enrich uranium, by the end of March 2007.

This will give the ayatollahs the ability to start producing nuclear weapons, and to spread nuclear terror far and wide, threatening the existence not only of Israel, but of Western civilization itself.

The would-be Hitler of Persia has already made it abundantly clear that he plans to wipe Israel and its millions of Jews off the map. And last week he told Western leaders that their turn would soon be next: "If you do not respond to the divine call," he warned, "you will die soon and vanish from the face of the earth."

Three months. That's all we've got. That's all that stands right now between the world as we know it, and one in which the Persian executioner will be able to put his finger on the nuclear button.

This can not be allowed to happen. The danger is too great, the peril is too real.

Now is the time for all those who love Israel to stand up and be counted. Now is the time for pro-Israel Christians everywhere, and especially in the US, to rise up and cry out on behalf of God's people.

Storm the heavens with your prayers, and the White House with your pleas. Speak out now and urge US President George W. Bush to eliminate the Iranian nuclear threat once and for all.

BY NOW it should be clear: Nothing less than US military action is going to deter Teheran from pursuing its nuclear goals. Threats of sanctions and finger-wagging have failed to do the job.

Europe is hopelessly weak and conciliatory, and the United Nations is completely inept. There is one man, and one man alone, whom God has put in a position to stop Iran, and that man's name is George W. Bush.

But the president is under attack, as the media and his critics do their utmost to tear him down. They hate him and everything he stands for, and will stop at nothing to spoil his remaining time in office.

The president is a good man, and a man of faith. He knows what needs to be done; but like any leader, he also needs to hear from those who put him in office.

And that, dear Christians, is where you come in to play.

With your size and your influence, and yes, with your faith, it is you who can make a difference at this critical juncture for Israel and the West.

Many of my fellow Jews in the US are largely silent, afraid to be seen as leading the charge. It is as if they learned nothing from the Jewish people's horrific experience in Europe over six decades ago, when silence in America made possible extermination across the sea.

But you know better than that, and you are not afraid.

On issues that you care about, you have demonstrated an impressive ability to affect US policy, mustering the passion and power necessary to shape debate. Now, more than ever, is the time to do so again, for the threat to us all is very, very real.

Flood the White House and Congress with your concerns. Let them know that you fear for Israel and its safety. Urge your elected officials to hit Iran hard, and soon. Not merely with criticism, but with bombs as well.

Because unless the US Air Force goes into action, the mullahs of Teheran will jeopardize everything we hold dear.

ISRAEL, AS you know, is the "apple of His eye" (see Deut. 32:10 and Zech. 2:12). And God has made clear in His Scripture what He expects from people of faith at times such as these, when Israel is in danger.

"You who make mention of the Lord," says the prophet Isaiah (Chap. 62: 6-7), "do not keep silent, and give Him no rest until He establishes and until He makes Jerusalem unto a praise in the earth."

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," says the Psalmist, in Psalm 122. "They that love thee shall prosper."

These aren't just guidelines or recommendations from books of old. They are a command to each and every one of us, Jew and Christian alike, to stand up and speak out when Israel is under threat.

I have no doubt, not one iota of disbelief, that God will save His people Israel. Deliverance comes from Him, and Him alone. But each of us must do our part to help bring it about.

And you, dear Christians, now have the power, and the opportunity, to do so. To move the president's heart, and to save Israel and the West from a truly diabolical fate.

So please, don't tarry - we dare not delay. The clock is winding down, the alarm bells are ringing. Raise your voices in prayer and supplication. The time to do something is now, and there is not a moment to waste.
My Comment: Iran needs to be stopped period.
Yeah, my church always pray for Israel's peace. I believe that God is always there to protect Israel in despite of other nations' war against Israel. God is with them.
I am pro-Israel and support the defense of Israel and would support war against hostilities toward the Israel.

Israel is the only country in Middle East that support human rights. It's the only Middle East country that allows religious freedom. Israel embraces Western democracy.

Iran's threat to destroy Israel with weapons is a real concern and if it happens, I'd rally to destroy Iran and any other countries that aid the destruction of Israel. You simply cannot get respect or tolerance from disrespect or intolerance.

When Israel is threatened, USA and European counteries are threatened.
I'm also very strong support toward Israel. Islamics goal is wipe christians and jews out of the face of the earth and always has been for many many years. I'm proud of our leaders who defend Israel from danger of Iran, since terrorist networking other countries and secretive all over the world to plot to destroy Israel, USA and Europe region. But time must happen when it comes. But always be prepare, but should not be out of fear.
There's no alarm here.

Three months. That's all we've got. That's all that stands right now between the world as we know it, and one in which the Persian executioner will be able to put his finger on the nuclear button.

That is why I posted what I understood, in the Jerusalem Post article. This is why we must stop Iran by sending a letter to President Bush by the power of the pen and mail the letter with 39 cent postage in the USPS blue box to Washington DC or e-mail President Bush also go into prayer to have the Heavens move to stop what Iran is going to do in three month's time. We do not need this at all and this is not a very good situation. I hope Iran is stopped. This is more than a serious situation. It is better to stop Iran now than wait three months later.
Three months. That's all we've got. That's all that stands right now between the world as we know it, and one in which the Persian executioner will be able to put his finger on the nuclear button.

That is why I posted what I understood, in the Jerusalem Post article. This is why we must stop Iran by sending a letter to President Bush by the power of the pen and mail the letter with 39 cent postage in the USPS blue box to Washington DC or e-mail President Bush also go into prayer to have the Heavens move to stop what Iran is going to do in three month's time. We do not need this at all and this is not a very good situation. I hope Iran is stopped. This is more than a serious situation. It is better to stop Iran now than wait three months later.

You are right. The only problem is that God is ALREADY established His plans for Israel and other nations in a loooooong time ago when He first created this earth and universe. And, even in the Bible says somethin' about Israel and other nations as well. As a fact, I knew that we can not change God's plans what is the best for Israel and other nations. There must be a GOOD reason that God plans all this. Remember, God knows the NUMBERS of our hair. :)
I agree with you CyberRed. God is in absoulte control of what happens and it would be very irresponsible to not do what is right, especially in light of what is going on with Iran and their nuclear ambitions which is very un-acceptable given the situation at hand. We were first threatened on Sept. 11th and now for the Iranian leader to say this to the United States in a threatening manner .... Here are his own words, I have italicized for emphasis.....

The would-be Hitler of Persia has already made it abundantly clear that he plans to wipe Israel and its millions of Jews off the map. And last week he told Western leaders that their turn would soon be next: "If you do not respond to the divine call," he warned, "you will die soon and vanish from the face of the earth."

My comments may be way too blunt for some here and I know that we will kick the living daylights out of Iran, so to speak if they so much try anything. Simple as that also, The Iranian leader is no " divine " caller and obivously, God will work on his own timetable and God's own terms to bring about Prophetic changes in these End Times we are living in now. We can do our part to stop Iran and the rest is up to God.
Umm, don't know if you heard the news the last few weeks, that Bush and PM in England already discussed the matter and UN planning to sanction on Iran. Not sure if its already sanctioned.
Three months. That's all we've got. That's all that stands right now between the world as we know it, and one in which the Persian executioner will be able to put his finger on the nuclear button.

That is why I posted what I understood, in the Jerusalem Post article. This is why we must stop Iran by sending a letter to President Bush by the power of the pen and mail the letter with 39 cent postage in the USPS blue box to Washington DC or e-mail President Bush also go into prayer to have the Heavens move to stop what Iran is going to do in three month's time. We do not need this at all and this is not a very good situation. I hope Iran is stopped. This is more than a serious situation. It is better to stop Iran now than wait three months later.

Heath, you (and your fellow Christians who are so afraid of "noo-clear" war) just don't get it. There is no threat, except from greedy people like those who you follow who want war and fighting and power. Iran is not going to develop nuclear weapons to use against the U.S. -- they know that the minute something happens, they're going to be turned into a glass parking lot. There is no, "if you don't do something now we're all gonna die!" alert. So cut out the paranoia.
You are right. The only problem is that God is ALREADY established His plans for Israel and other nations in a loooooong time ago when He first created this earth and universe. And, even in the Bible says somethin' about Israel and other nations as well. As a fact, I knew that we can not change God's plans what is the best for Israel and other nations. There must be a GOOD reason that God plans all this. Remember, God knows the NUMBERS of our hair. :)

Dennis, Iran already is making the nuclear reciepe to put in the warhead of their missiles. The U.N. hit them with sanctions and now Iran has defied all rational logical reasoning and common sense so now we may go in and kick the living daylights out of Iran. To have nuclear power for generating electricity is one thing but to bring different elements of the nuclear materials together is proof enough from the U.S. satellites that caught wind of what Iran was up to. We can only do what is right and that is to write a letter and send it on the way to Washington D.C. and Iran is still going to make the nuclear warheads be turned on one way or another with a red light and un-lock the keypad and the world as we know it could be dramatically altered forever and I mean forever with a heavy heart knowing exactly what " forever " means in the most grave sense that the word, forever carries with serious meaning and serious conquensces for the whole world not just in the U.S.A. and in Israel. This means billions of souls are going to be going straight to hell and all I can pray is that people use this time to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts. The U.S.A. and Israel does not use the nuclear power in the wrong way and only in self defense. Look here, Iran is using the nuclear power the wrong way and very demonically especially towards the people of Israel as well as in the Christian West. This is why it is very important to stop Iran and even if we tried to stop Iran and actually did all we could then ulimately it is part of God's plan for the End Times. We can't stop God's timetable but we can do what we can do to stop both of the enemies, both in different nations as well as in the spiritual world to sharply rebuke and bound satan and his legion of demonic army from doing any more further damage in prayers and fasting to God. We must stop them each and every step of the way, no matter what and God will do what God needs to do each and every step of the way. We truly are living in the End Times now and all the more important to know more about Jesus Christ and to want to have Jesus Christ in your life now and to be able to live with God in Eternal Holy Heaven through Jesus Christ, too as well.
Explain to me why we are not bringing up alarm about North Korea, especially when they have already done a nuclear bomb testing within the past year?
Explain to me why we are not bringing up alarm about North Korea, especially when they have already done a nuclear bomb testing within the past year?

The U.S. already is watching North Korea very closely. I don't think the North Koreans actually used a nuclear warhead but,the missile itself to test the range, how far the missile will go. If the North Koreans actually used nuclear warheads then we would have already been at war with the communist regime.

There is a movie about the North Koreans and their nuclear missiles. The first part is doucementary based on a true story with facts, which is a real eye opener then goes into the movie and the wartime drama. I highly recommend this movie and it is subtitled in English as well as Korean.

Behind Enemy Lines: Axis of Evil (2006)
Heath, you (and your fellow Christians who are so afraid of "noo-clear" war) just don't get it. There is no threat, except from greedy people like those who you follow who want war and fighting and power. Iran is not going to develop nuclear weapons to use against the U.S. -- they know that the minute something happens, they're going to be turned into a glass parking lot. There is no, "if you don't do something now we're all gonna die!" alert. So cut out the paranoia.

The fear is about whether or not Israel could defeat Iran in a war. The fact that the US could probably defeat Iran in a war is irrelevant to the discussion.
Teresh, the original post was not asking about Israel's actions. He was calling all Christians (not Jews) to pester the U.S. President to do something.

Now, if Israel went to fight against Iran, who do you think would win? Iran? Not a chance.
Teresh, the original post was not asking about Israel's actions. He was calling all Christians (not Jews) to pester the U.S. President to do something.

Now, if Israel went to fight against Iran, who do you think would win? Iran? Not a chance.

I am well aware of this, what's your point? Christians think that Israel needs to continue to exist if they want to see the apocalypse in their lifetimes.

You really think Israel is that strong? Please, don't give Israel undue credit. The fact that it is better equipped and better trained means little when the number of soldiers is 20:1 in favor of the enemy.
You're being unrealastic. We don't use bows, arrows and swords anymore. In today's military terms - firepower beats manpower. One AGM-114 Hellfire missile can take out 10 people and it only takes 2 men to pilot the apache that launches it. Said missile has been used in the conflict extensively. Being better trained means you have better tactics. Having a better milita means you'll have better intelligence.

Their only weakness is the fact they're bound by laws, the terrorists are not. You know, in your debates you always come off as a little aggressive for some reason like you have something to prove...
You're being unrealastic. We don't use bows, arrows and swords anymore. In today's military terms - firepower beats manpower. One AGM-114 Hellfire missile can take out 10 people and it only takes 2 men to pilot the apache that launches it. Said missile has been used in the conflict extensively. Being better trained means you have better tactics. Having a better milita means you'll have better intelligence.

Perhaps, but it's not like the enemy doesn't have guns too. 7 million people with spiffy state-of-the-art automatic weapons still is nothing compared to 100 million people with not-so-state-of-the-art automatic weapons.
Christians think that Israel needs to continue to exist if they want to see the apocalypse in their lifetimes....
Not correct. There is no way for any Christians living now to be present during the end time events, including the apocalypse. All Christians will be raptured up to Heaven before those events begin.
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