A greaaat tips for anything!

I almost hate to post this

Blood Stains
Soaking the clothing in cold water for about 30 minutes will usually remove it. If the stain is still there, mix a bit of water with unseasoned meat tenderizer. The meat tenterizer breaks down the proteins in blood.
Apply to the area. If its dry-clean only, take it to the cleaners and point out the stain to them and they can do it professionally.

Also, if you happen to have a nosebleed or something and the blood lands on the lineloum floor like in the kitchen or the bathroom, and it's already dried by the time you notice or whatever the circumstance may be, pour some peroxide on the floor and let it eat the dried blood and then clean it up.
Also, if you happen to have a nosebleed or something and the blood lands on the lineloum floor like in the kitchen or the bathroom, and it's already dried by the time you notice or whatever the circumstance may be, pour some peroxide on the floor and let it eat the dried blood and then clean it up.

Thats a good tip...I'll have to remember that since it probably works on other things than tile floors.

BTW, I'm worried. You and I know a bit too much about dried blood ;)
Thats a good tip...I'll have to remember that since it probably works on other things than tile floors.

BTW, I'm worried. You and I know a bit too much about dried blood ;)

Heh, I used to have frequent nose bleeds when I was younger. I don't have them that much now.