A Friend who wants to be popular

RebelGirl said:
:ugh2: What's your point for posting about CR? Is there anything you wanna say about this thread instead of saying how proud you are about CR? :roll:

LOL I agree...
Y said:
Hey CyberRed,
I just read this whole thread
Wow !! This shows how sweet you are...
probably one of the sweetest posters of all.
You also seem to be very understanding & humble person.
No, you did NOT create any confusion at all.

I enjoy your many Good postings with
lots of common sense and
lots of wisdom and respect
CyberRed's postings are very Simple and
very Crystal Clear :)

CyberRed, You are a very strong woman
because you already knew how to select your own
true friends yourself, you knew how to ignore
any whiners, any controlling freaks, etc.

I have been on Alldeaf longer than any
of these women here... Longer than
you know who else.

Hey, CyberRed it looks like that
you are absolutely NOT jealous at all
I would laugh so hard if anyone thinks
of you being jealous of others
There is Nothing to be jealous of...

I Agree that everyone have different POVs
from different upbringings and backgrounds, etc.

Keep it up CyberRed I'm so proud of you
for doing nothing wrong at all :)


Thank you.
Koala said:
I thought of this poem I would like to share with you. I had it for a few years and it good to bring it up again to read. This is good defination (sp?) of what a true friend is about. :)

.....A Friend.....
by author unknown

(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in "you"
(C)alls you just to say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffer support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plains thing you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality

:cheers: :thumb:

I found those "peom" I saved in my file... I can't remember where I get it from... I guess it must be one of email-chains.

A true friend.......
* Genuinely accepts and likes you for who you are.
* Will be there for you in bad times as well as good.
* Is loyal to you in your absence. They refuse to get involved in gossip at your expense and actively support you when others don't.
* Can be trusted with your secrets.
* Can be trusted with your partner.
* Understands how you feel, perhaps without you even needing to explain.
* Will tell you the hard truths that you need to hear.
* Will share their own secrets and fears with you.
* Is genuine and real with you - not superficial and false.

To find a true friend, it helps to...
* Value yourself and what you can offer others as a friend.
* Believe that you can find a true friend.
* Take up opportunties to meet new people.
* Be a good listener and show interest in others.
* Participate in conversations.
* Follow up with people you find interesting through ph calls and invitations.
* Gradually share your deeper thoughts and feelings.
* Nuture the friendship but don't force it to get too close.
* Be true friend to others in order to find one.
RebelGirl said:
:ugh2: What's your point for posting about CR? Is there anything you wanna say about this thread instead of saying how proud you are about CR? :roll:

Liebling:-))) said:
:cheers: :thumb:

I found those "peom" I saved in my file... I can't remember where I get it from... I guess it must be one of email-chains.

A true friend.......
* Genuinely accepts and likes you for who you are.
* Will be there for you in bad times as well as good.
* Is loyal to you in your absence. They refuse to get involved in gossip at your expense and actively support you when others don't.
* Can be trusted with your secrets.
* Can be trusted with your partner.
* Understands how you feel, perhaps without you even needing to explain.
* Will tell you the hard truths that you need to hear.
* Will share their own secrets and fears with you.
* Is genuine and real with you - not superficial and false.

To find a true friend, it helps to...
* Value yourself and what you can offer others as a friend.
* Believe that you can find a true friend.
* Take up opportunties to meet new people.
* Be a good listener and show interest in others.
* Participate in conversations.
* Follow up with people you find interesting through ph calls and invitations.
* Gradually share your deeper thoughts and feelings.
* Nuture the friendship but don't force it to get too close.
* Be true friend to others in order to find one.

This poem comes from my "That's Life" Australian magazine :)
Koala and Liebling, Thanks for sharing a lovely friendship poems here, Which that could be part of what we are discussing here. ;)