A cochlear implant story

Thank you... I see once again I got but roundabout instead of straight answer :tears:

Geez, Audiofuzzy, I have been away from this forum for a long time and I come back to see all the posts not just in this thread but several other threads that you have made towards some others....turned me off a big time.
The words have been defined in earlier posts.

Oh, I missed that.. looks like either everybody else missed that too or the explanation wasn't clear enough :ugh3:

Gotta look again. Thanx, Jills.

Geez, Audiofuzzy, I have been away from this forum for a long time and I come back to see all the posts not just in this thread but several other threads that you have made towards some others....turned me off a big time.

Likewise here. The narrowmindedness of some, inability to get a straight answer from them, the unwilligness to doscuss some unpleasant but nonetheless imprtnat matters -such as existing language problems,
a little clique of sycophants, a general unafairness toward posters who say UNCONVENIENT truth - turns me off too.
Not only me, many others left this site as soon as they came here..:ugh3:

Audiofuzzy, you simply are not TRYING to understand.

I tell my son all the time to not have a LAZY BRAIN. That is what you are doing here with those two words. The dictionary, thesaurus and wikipedia are all resources that will provide the understanding you need. TRY THEM instead of trying to get folks here to explain them to you. Hell, even I have to go to Dictionary.com when reading on other message boards because of the big-a (what I call'em) words others use. And I have a passion for the English language and had to READ the dictionary when I was a child. I have a vast vocabulary (but choose not to use words JUST to make others feel stupid) I too loved to read when I was a child, and so does my son. I refuse to let him be stupid on MY watch!

You are not trying to understand so I agree with the folks who say you are picking a fight.

But I have one question for you, why would you carry a knife to a gun fight? Why would you pick a battle of wits and word with folks who would annihilate you if they stepped up to the challenge? If you feel you are inferior or ill-equipped, I CHALLENGE you to want more for yourself. Don't show your weakness! Act like you know what they are talking about and come back at em with something just as big (type your layman words into Thesaurus.com) and leave a scar!

Just like you advocate for the CI to improve life, get you a dictionary, thesaurus, whatever, improve YOUR vocabulary, say what you have to say and leave them with it.

Its really not that hard, but if you focus on being antagonistic without the proper shield, you have already lost.
Audiofuzzy said:
Oh, I missed that.. looks like either everybody else missed that too or the explanation wasn't clear enough

No, that's not it, I did not know those words mean at first when Jillioie first posted it in another thread and I looked it up myself, then I got a clear picture of what it actually meant, it's not so hard to do if you read and understand what it's saying and the meaning for these two words...

Denotation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Denotation is what is photographed, and connotation is how it is photographed...

The denotation of this example is a red rose with a green stem. The connotation is that it is a symbol of passion and love - this is what the rose represents.


  • 100px-Cartoony_red_rose_svg.png
    3.1 KB · Views: 2
Not to change the subject or show you up, Angel but I think that those two words used by Jillio come out of the medical/psychological settings. This also will give Fuzzy the opportunity go there herself; you have been nice and done enough, Angel.
Interesting thread and Keanusmom, I like your post. We are always learning and I know just because I have two degrees doesnt mean I am done with learning. The more the better. :)
Interesting thread and Keanusmom, I like your post. We are always learning and I know just because I have two degrees doesnt mean I am done with learning. The more the better. :)

I thought I was done learning until I couldn't communicate (to my satisfaction) with my child. So now I am in ASL classes every Saturday morning. I LOVE it! We are going to the ASL expo here in GA next weekend. MY FIRST BIG TEST! I am so nervous. I feel SO stupid when I go up to the school and the kids bum rush me talking to me. When my son was in a hearing school, I LOVED it, but now I feel like a deaf person feels in a hearing world... Say whaaa? :D

I will never stop learning unless my brain somehow stops functioning.
Ignorance is a choice!

What are your degrees in?

You all have NO idea how you (and the people at the Atlanta School for the Deaf) inspire me to keep pressing with my son. He is 12, so of course he wants to give up, be lazy and try to "accept" that he is different and dumb (because of his delayed language), you know, that teenager crap. LOL

I show him almost daily that he is SO not dumb (if you can FINISH Pokemon games and stuff like that, you CAN'T be dumb!!)

I recognize the defeatist (deˈfeatist noun, adjective
(of) a person who gives up too easily and is too easily discouraged)
attitude on display here and it makes me want to give out homework! (write an essay on how one defeatist or dejected person can kill the atmosphere of an otherwise optimistic forum) Tee-hee.

Okay, I'm being sarcastic. :naughty: Time to take a break. :D
I thought I was done learning until I couldn't communicate (to my satisfaction) with my child. So now I am in ASL classes every Saturday morning. I LOVE it! We are going to the ASL expo here in GA next weekend. MY FIRST BIG TEST! I am so nervous. I feel SO stupid when I go up to the school and the kids bum rush me talking to me. When my son was in a hearing school, I LOVED it, but now I feel like a deaf person feels in a hearing world... Say whaaa? :D

I will never stop learning unless my brain somehow stops functioning.
Ignorance is a choice!

What are your degrees in?

You all have NO idea how you (and the people at the Atlanta School for the Deaf) inspire me to keep pressing with my son. He is 12, so of course he wants to give up, be lazy and try to "accept" that he is different and dumb (because of his delayed language), you know, that teenager crap. LOL

I show him almost daily that he is SO not dumb (if you can FINISH Pokemon games and stuff like that, you CAN'T be dumb!!)

I recognize the defeatist (deˈfeatist noun, adjective
(of) a person who gives up too easily and is too easily discouraged)
attitude on display here and it makes me want to give out homework! (write an essay on how one defeatist or dejected person can kill the atmosphere of an otherwise optimistic forum) Tee-hee.

Okay, I'm being sarcastic. :naughty: Time to take a break. :D

LOL! That was a funny post and it made me laugh. I think that is so great you are taking ASL classes. There are so many of us deaf people here on AD and that I know personally who wish that our parents have learned sign language. I am sure your son appreciates its even though he may not show it now.

I have a BA degree in Special Education and a Master's in Deaf Ed. I am a teacher and I understand all the issues of language delays.

Is that your son in your avatar?
Oh I see - judging by the tone of your first response in other forum and now here, i see you got briefed. I am not suprised.

You are not trying to understand so I agree with the folks who say you are picking a fight.

Do you have PROOF?

are you aware of this simple but how meaningful little sentence:


CAN you or anybody else prove I wasn't simply asking for SIMPLE explanation?
And indeed, if any person who replied to my post KNEW the defintion of those two words, why didn't they just SIMPLY SAY IT? That would be it -simple..
A question asked and answered, that's all.
Why such aproar, accusations, suspicions, threats?
Is it because in fact, they DON'T know and understand English as well as Jillio claims, and were afraid to expose their ignorance? if that is not the case - why, then? why this uproar?

HAVE you seen the Wikipedia defintion? it's causing me more confusion instead of claryfing.

But I have one question for you, why would you carry a knife to a gun fight? QUOTE]

I carry neither knife or gun. What for? I am not here to start fights in the first place. I am here to learn about deaf culture, but sadly it is not going to happen, I am put off by people's attitude here.

who would annihilate you if they stepped up to the challenge

would they, really? and once again - that fight, annihilitation - is it what we are here for?

No, that's not it, I did not know those words mean at first when Jillioie first posted it in another thread and I looked it up myself, then I got a clear picture of what it actually meant, it's not so hard to do if you read and understand what it's saying and the meaning for these two words...

Denotation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Denotation is what is photographed, and connotation is how it is photographed...

Thank you. At least YOU are honest. I admire that. btw your explanation is just great, thanks.

But I have one question for you, why would you carry a knife to a gun fight? QUOTE]

I carry neither knife or gun. What for? I am not here to start fights in the first place. I am here to learn about deaf culture, but sadly it is not going to happen, I am put off by people's attitude here.

would they, really? and once again - that fight, annihilitation - is it what we are here for?

Thank you. At least YOU are honest. I admire that. btw your explanation is just great, thanks.


Excuse me, Fuzzy, but I have sat here and read post after post of yours.

In every single post you talk about other poster's grammar. But yet, you ignore the simple fact that MANY of your posts has spelling and grammar errors as well.

For that matter, every single one of us is guilty of having spelling errors and grammar errors in our postings.

To pick on someone and accuse the problems on being how a person writes or feels to what you write to be about, on grammar is simply wrong.

I grew up hearing Fuzzy, not deaf, not hoh, not anything but pure hearing. YET, I can see how every topic so far you have come into, with the simple intention of stirring things up.

We are NOT here to pick on how a person writes. We ARE NOT here to pick on whether if a person grew up as ASL only or English only.

I agree with 2C, too many valuable threads have been locked up due to YOU, Fuzzy, wanting to cause trouble.

Now that statement will probably earn me a warning and mods, Im sorry for pointing the finger. But, I am totally sick of seeing it.

We do not have to take sides here. Fuzzy, you constantly accuse us of *patting each other on the backs* or *being part of a fan club*, but if you truly had been reading these threads, you would also see where members have apologized to each other. You would also see these *so-called* sides agreeing with each other. You would also see very respectful and nice posts between the members. If you need examples, there are many. One I know of for sure is between Cloggy and I.

I'm tired of seeing you bring this bs in alldeaf, and expecting us to respect your posts and you, when you do not respect us. I would say so far, everyone here, has been more than respectful towards you. I would also say the mods, has given you way way more chances than they would someone who was their friends. So all in all, you need to quit your whining and realize that you are getting way more respect here than you are giving or deserve to get.

I'm sorry 2C, for disrespecting this thread and speaking my mind here. Please accept my apologies.

I would say it is time for some people to think about what respect truly is.

It really disgraces posters like Cloggy and others that do respect in their posts to have people that don't respect *be on their side*.

That's my 2 cents.

Now back to the regular programming lol.

*steps off my soapbox*
Aww. Bear; I'm glad you just happened along. Hope all's well with you and yours.