92-Year-Old Woman Kicked Out Of Georgia Church

Good news is that this church has been allegedly reported as a bad church. So that way people read about it and they would be "Uh-oh, why do you do that to this poor old woman?"

"You owe me a lot of money so you can't come in my church", seriously? Is that how it works? According to Jesus, it's not how it works. It's free to attend a church and pray there.

This is so wrong. Jesus would not like that attitude from someone who demanded her to give the Church money. This is selfish.
aAFRICAN churches often don't see problem much money go back to Africa.i suppose she been member many years so I thinking maybe more to this
Yes. Caz...she was a member for many years...and perhaps did tithe...then she got sick and could not attend Church or tithe......
I had clients 90 plus years old and they had to get a lot of pills ,and this was not cheap . One client told me one pill cost $5.00 and she had other pills she had to take. The church should realize that a 92 yo woman
more than likely being taken more than med per day and she also has to buy food too. Some people have no compassion today . :(
They probably should be helping her instead of demanding she pay. It is supposed to be two way street. You give when you can and get help if needed due to hard times.

They totally got it backwards for sure!
92 yo and shunned. What was the alleged crime? Feeble and poor. What this group actually stands for is as painfully clear, as is what the bible says about Faith, Hope, and Love. Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil."

The devil is in the details. IMHO there are too many church leaders who are too involved in national politics, local social groups, as well as trying to be the Alpha and Omega in county and city affairs. they don't have time to pastor a church or its congregation. That the pastor did not notice the 92 yo was missing the first week, he should have noticed the second week.

That he never noticed indicates it really isn't a house of worship, anyway. It is a collection agency that should be shunned. .

Go buy a car. You won't be ashamed after five years of payments; you will own it. There is pride in ownership, and more than one way to contribute to society.