5 things you can't live WITH?

1. People with NO compassion or understanding.
2. Inconsiderate fucks. (Yes, I swore. Deal with it.)
3. People who do not bother to accomodate me when talking to me. Fuck you, I won't accomodate you, either.
4. People who don't bother to alert me that they're coming into my room or area beforehand. I HATE being surprised.
5. Untrustworthy people. Especially with my hardware. (I'm looking at you, my mother. :/ )

Edit: Spelling fix. Whoa. Must've been pissed to typo like that. :/
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1. People with NO compassion or understanding.
2. Inconsiderate fucks. (Yes, I swore. Deal with it.)
3. People who do not bother to acoomdoate me when talking to me. Fuck you, I won't accomodate you, either.
4. People who don't bother to alert me that they're coming into my room or area beforehand. I HATE being surprised.
5. Untrustworthy people. Especially with my hardware. (I'm looking at you, my mother. :/ )

I dont want to live with or be around people who think I am or deaf children/people are inferior because we are deaf. I lived with that all of my life...no more. It destroyed my self-esteem which I was able to build back although it took years.

Well, there's a saying... what doesn't break you only makes you stronger.
Well, there's a saying... what doesn't break you only makes you stronger.

Good for whoever that works. I did it for too long and the stress and drama wasnt worth it. I want to enjoy my life.
1. roaches
2. spiders
3. mice
4. fake friends
5. guys who are snobs I think lol (I should think of a better one but will get back to you guys later on that one) :)
1. silent treatments (i ABSOLUTELY hates hates that and just about all of my friends knows if they dare to give me silent treatment.. its a bye bye time.. no more friendship. it will be gone just like that.)
2. know-i-all people and how they would not accept it if they were actually wrong. (grrr)
3. one-way friends (meaning they runs to you if they needs your help but ditch u when you need their help, talking to you only on their term but have no time for you when u need to talk to them, etc)
4. unnecessary drama/problems
5. drunks,stoned,or in any condition that isn't natural. (i tolerate ones who knows how to be sober/clean for at least 12 hours. its those who doesn't get sober/clean for even five minutes of their waking moments. remember i now have a son.. i do not want my son to be exposed too much of that stuff preferably NONE at all if i can help it)

theres more but those ones are what truly pisses me off.