2 firefighters shot, killed while battling NY blaze


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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(CNN) -
At least two firefighters were killed when they were shot after arriving to battle a blaze at a house in upstate New York on Monday, officials said.

Two other firefighters were injured, police in Webster, N.Y, told reporters.

Authorities believe someone shot at the firefighters shortly after they exited their vehicles, said Rob Boutillier, fire marshal in the town of Webster.

For hours, the gunfire stopped firefighters from working to extinguish the flames and forced police SWAT teams to evacuate homes in the area.

Firefighters arrived at the scene before 6 a.m., Boutillier said. By 9 a.m., flames had engulfed three houses and a vehicle, he said.

Doctors were treating the wounded firefighters Monday morning, said Teri D'Agostino, a spokeswoman for Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.

One firefighter escaped from the scene in his own vehicle about an hour after he was shot, then was transported to the hospital by an ambulance from another location, Boutillier said. He was listed in satisfactory condition, Boutillier said.

Another wounded firefighter was conscious and speaking when he was removed from the scene, Boutillier said.

"Our main concern right now is to have law enforcement evacuate the people in harm's way (and) make the scene safe for the fire department," Boutillier told reporters. "And then the fire department will go in and do its job."

2 firefighters shot, killed while battling NY blaze | News - Home
My first thought would be the owners want the insurance money, but it could just be a bad neighborhood. Perhaps the residents are not getting along with the local government. The same thing happened in during the LA riots. Or, the criminal elements want whatever is in the building destroyed by fire.
My first thought would be the owners want the insurance money, but it could just be a bad neighborhood. Perhaps the residents are not getting along with the local government. The same thing happened in during the LA riots. Or, the criminal elements want whatever is in the building destroyed by fire.

if the owner wants insurance money.... and killed firefighters to hide the arson evidence... well he would be the most stupidest moron in the world to come up with such a scheme.

not gonna work.
if the owner wants insurance money.... and killed firefighters to hide the arson evidence... well he would be the most stupidest moron in the world to come up with such a scheme.

not gonna work.

I don't doubt that(the person's a moron). Again, I think it's unlikely, but dumber things have been done. Although, I don't think it is arson evidence so much as other criminal activity.
idiots!!! I dont see the point of shooting fireman. they are already in harms way fighting fires. Either the person is very desperate to lose the house or mentally retarded.
Criminals are gun owners who killed two firemen for nothing.

you don't know if they had guns legally. chance is not.

gun owner means a person who owned gun legally.
There are two differenet between criminials and gun owners. so are we saying that criminials are growing bigger and more greedy due to not having enough money that drives them up to the walls. :(
you don't know if they had guns legally. chance is not.

gun owner means a person who owned gun legally.
WTF? I can't believe that you don't know that some legal gun owners can turn into murderers one day. There were many murderers who were legal gun owners.
WTF is wrong with your brain?

If this is true, then they will have cops in their front door already. Only IDIOTS would own gun legally and kill somebody.

All of the guns that murders used to kill were owned ILLEGALLY to mask themselves.

WTF? I can't believe that you don't know that some legal gun owners can turn into murderers one day. There were many murderers who were legal gun owners.
I don't think it got to do with insurance. I can not say without more information and who was the shooter.

For any reason shooter shoots people, I still don't understand why killing people would solve the whatever problem they are having. In fact it is going to turn their problem into uglier and exponential their consequences.

But here is another evidence, firemen don't carry guns, easy opportunity.

My first thought would be the owners want the insurance money, but it could just be a bad neighborhood. Perhaps the residents are not getting along with the local government. The same thing happened in during the LA riots. Or, the criminal elements want whatever is in the building destroyed by fire.
Horrible news...hoping they catch the culprit(s) who did this and burn him alive. 3 homes were burned plus a vehicle....
I am starting to think, one possible cause for rashes of shoot out. It may be the Fiscal Cliff anxiety, with the idea of automatic cuts and raise taxes, this can send plenty of people in edge and fears. So, with anger behind, it may be against government for not doing anything.

The reason behind 2nd Amendment is to protect citizen from Tyranny government. It may be because government is not doing their job and may have hurt more people, while these stubborn leaders that oppose any tax increase refusing doing anything or try to come up with compromise.

Just think, Fiscal cliff with automatic cuts and automatic tax increase and cut off unemployment benefit for those that have been unemployed for longer than 26 weeks. It is a possibility of their panic reaction, just saying.

I'm seeing pattern here, firemen were paid though taxes, school were paid though taxes, NJ has one of highest property taxes. Related to Fiscal Cliff? I am not too sure yet.

Just like back in 1928 when stock crashed, people gone crazy and jump off the window to escape the disaster.
WTF? I can't believe that you don't know that some legal gun owners can turn into murderers one day. There were many murderers who were legal gun owners.

let's wait and find out, shall we?
Very well do community, really nice area, I don't mind live there but too expensive for me. Lots of expensive homes there as well.
One of highest property taxes in the area (Not number one).

I see that it's happening at Webster, NY.. which is near Rochester. how is that area? wealthy? poor? quiet? ghetto?