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  1. H

    Do I have a Processing Disorder or just mild loss?

    Welcome to my world. :P I have auditory processing disorder and that sounds just like me. A hearing test can at least let you know where your hearing is at, and as part of the test (at least with me) they will add white noise in to see if your ability to pick up the words decreases with it.
  2. H

    Is it OK for an ASL teacher to be Hearing?

    My first ASL teacher was hearing, but he did a great job. He had a lot of passion for the language and culture and he made sure that we left our voices at the door.
  3. H

    Hottest women swimsuit for 2014! vote now

    Muscles are sexy!
  4. H

    Does anyone like fish?

    I used to have a saltwater tank. Loved it.
  5. H

    pregnant mother heavyweight lifts she nearly baby dues

    I think she looks beautiful and healthy. If her doctor's fine with it then great. She's probably going to recover quickly from the birth and be a healthier, happier mom than if she sat on the couch eating chips and ice cream for 9 months.
  6. H

    Need Help Translating Two Short Videos From ASL to English

    Yes, I agree that would be optimal. :aw:
  7. H

    Need Help Translating Two Short Videos From ASL to English

    From what I remember, level one was all about basic vocabulary. There was sooo much vocab to learn. It was a little early to put regular sentences together. Level two had more of that.
  8. H

    Need Help Translating Two Short Videos From ASL to English

    What level did you think it was?
  9. H

    you know you're 30 when...

    That was funny. It was after 40 for me. My youngest graduated high school and it hit me...ohmygosh, I'm old. Then I looked in the mirror and sure enough, it was true. :lol: Reba, you are so lucky to hold up well until your 60's.
  10. H

    Trudy Suggs on what makes a good ASL instructor

    I'm on my 3rd class and I can tell you the teacher makes all the difference! If they don't love what they do it really shows and the attitude is contagious. A good ASL teacher is such a treasure. :aw:
  11. H

    I heard from RR

    Nonsense! One can never talk about turbo drives too much. :P Hope RR comes back happy and refreshed.
  12. H

    If there was anything in world....?

    Go back to school. Sounds like you have some classes already under your belt. Trust me, it's never too late. :aw:
  13. H

    How to heal from broken heart?

    I agree with this. Sometimes time doesn't make it go away. Stay busy. Go out with friends, meet people through a mutual hobby. Try to avoid things that you know will set off memories.
  14. H

    If there was anything in world....?

    You're a precious and unique person. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If I could change something, I think I would have gone back to school 10 years ago. Trying to work on who you're going to be when you grow up when you're in your 40's is harder than I thought it would be.
  15. H

    Off to ASL camp!

    That sounds awesome! I want to go. :lol: I'm with F.F. Hope you will tell us all about it when you get back.
  16. H

    its the deaf life

    I love the one with Neil Patrick Harris. That look! lol
  17. H

    Where are the baby boomers... lets chat

    I think 1973 is a gen-x'er. Oh, and welcome to Deez.:wave:
  18. H

    Official AllDeaf Switched At Birth Discussion [tv show on abc family]

    Yeah, I'm didn't feel comfortable watching it with my son recently. He's old enough to see it but it was still not cool and unnecessary.
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    Happy Birthday!! Hope it was awesome.