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  1. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Wirelessly posted Lol thanks Amb, I wish I had the same attitude toward this like you :) haha!
  2. Ryssie

    New Member Looking for Support

    Hi Bennny you're a true inspiration! :welcome: to AllDeaf :)
  3. Ryssie

    boys think I'm weird because of hearing aids?

    You're beautiful no matter what's in your ears or not. If someone thinks it's weird, just remember there are tons of us here that think it's great. You are awesome, never forget that :)
  4. Ryssie

    I'm Hearing and I Want To Make Some Deaf Friends

    I'm glad you're being honest :) Nice to meet you and :welcome: to All :deaf: ! (as you can see, I like
  5. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    I feel the same way as you! I learned in class today (Deaf Culture class) that 'Deaf' encompasses all the variations of deafness. In other words: Deaf Hard of Hearing deafened oral deaf Basically means: :deaf: There aren't really categories, but it all depends on the person's...
  6. Ryssie

    This is my website...what do you think?

    I've got a blog about being Hard of Hearing and having APD, featured on Please check it out and tell me what you think :) A P D iva | a girl who hears with her eyes
  7. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    nice analogy :P
  8. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Thanks so much! That means a lot to me. And fyi, I did speak while signing and a few people called it 'too distracting'. I guess I'll try to build tougher skin and be more positive. Opinions of others matter to me...that's my biggest pet peeve. The good thing is, I have support from others like...
  9. Ryssie


    :welcome: to AllDeaf! :wave:
  10. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    @deafdyke, that's what I'm so confused about. If I could not care about what others thought of me, then maybe I'd feel better and more comfortable about my Deafness. But ever since a friend told me to stop signing while in conversation and embarrassed me in front of others, and other people...
  11. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Thanks hoichi!
  12. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Wirelessly posted And by others, I mean hearing people who usually have something to say about my descisions.
  13. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Wirelessly posted Thanks for the clarity. I don't see it as a disability but a difference. We're all different, right? That's how I look at it. With that being said, I feel that some Deaf people don't want to assimilate with someone with a mild loss, I feel like maybe if I say I'm Deaf, people...
  14. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I feel more comfortable with my Deaf friends sometimes and then other times I'm more comfortable with my hearing friends. I guess I'm stuck in the middle. I was told that's common for those of us who are Hard of Hearing (not sure how true that is). Apparently, there is...
  15. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    Thanks for the response. Often times, I wake up feeling 'Deaf strong' but as the day progresses and I immerse myself in more interaction between my hearing friends instead of my Deaf friends, I feel slightly 'less Deaf'...does that make sense to you? I can't explain it, but since I'm the only...
  16. Ryssie

    HoH/deaf = Deaf ?

    The other day, a friend had told me that I am Deaf if I identify with the culture even though I'm Hard of Hearing. I thought that was really nice of her to say since I'm still new to the cultural part of things. But, I have also been told by others that there is a difference between deaf and...
  17. Ryssie

    I am hearing, but not really

    I totally understand what you're going through. I have the same experience. Pay no mind to others that don't understand what it's like to be Hard of Hearing. They just don't understand. The best thing you can do is believe in yourself and maybe try to educate them, not just 'tell them'. Have a...
  18. Ryssie

    soundbite: new hearing device

    What if you swallow it :/ awks
  19. Ryssie

    deafness as a turn on

    :gpost: totally agree with this! :gpost:
  20. Ryssie

    Partially hearing woman seeks asl users and Deaf/deaf/HoH friends

    Hey Sambam, :welcome:You're going to like it here! if you ever want to talk, message me :)