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  1. H

    Guide to wearing hearing aids with confidence?

    #dereksbicycles ^ man. I love you. You made a pretty damn good point there. You made my day(:
  2. H

    Guide to wearing hearing aids with confidence?

    Hi, i'm at 15 yr old girl, i wear hearing aids and I'd never tie up my hair to reveal my hearing aids- nope, not on my life! I'm paranoid about others think (even though i know it's wrong) especially lads- I mean there not sexy at all, are they?! How to wear them with confidence, inspiring words...
  3. H

    How would I fare out in this exercise regime?

    Thanks for answering, but yeah I'm def. not underweight, i checked with the bmi calculator for teens and I'm in the 17.5 percentile, which means I have a healthy weight. I don't like my stomach, though, it's far off from being flat..
  4. H

    How would I fare out in this exercise regime?

    If i ran 30 minutes straight without stopping (cross country running) and did between 100 and 200 sit-ups around 4/5 times a week, what would my results be (ex. My results would be in a month: weight loss a little bit) in a month/week/fortnight or what ever. I weigh 103lbs, I'm 5'4 and I'm...
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    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Imma thinking about my crush.. Who didn't turn up for this social gathering today.. )':
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    Who is single here?

  7. H

    Who is single here?

    Let's see.... What other body part can I pierce?
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    How are you feeling today?....

    I feel fat. I had two biscuits, a packet of sweets and a packet of crisps. And more. LOTS more. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I've the junior cert (massive state exams- really important for your future job etc. 15 year olds have it) in 3 weeks and I'm shitting it. Sorry for swearing.. I read somewhere...
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    I'm NOT flirting with you, I'm lipreading you, fool!

    This lady has a good point. We hoh's are not flirting with others when we lip read! It's quite awkward (I'm 15 yo girl) when I'm talking and lip reading lads, they kinda look away and go red after a bit.. MORTIFYING!
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    What role does music play in your life?

    I apologise for the bad spelling! I'm on my phone..
  11. H

    What role does music play in your life?

    I logged on this to see if any other hard of hearing people enkoy music like i do. Music is like therapy to me. I swear, i would go mental without t. You switch off your hearing aids, put in your earphones, and you can hear nothing but beautiful sounds. It's just so refreshing, I'm so grateful...
  12. H

    Really painful ear after wearing my aids

    Hiya, in the last few days my left ear has become really painful. The pain goes after I take out my bte hearing aid. What could the problem be? Theres even a red mark on the fold with some blood on it- a cut. Thanks for any answers!
  13. H

    Hi! I've been here awhile, but I can't find any Irish people here! Are there any!??

    Be interesting if there was! Message me though anyone who feels like it! (even if your not irish!)
  14. H

    need help my son with hearing aids

    My sister got a ci when she was 4, and her (before she got the cochlear implant) speech/vocab. was bad. I think it was the level of a 2 yr old... So now she's nine and she is the second brightest in her class (and let me tell you thats pretty intelligent)! If your ever worried about your kiddo...
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    Helix piercing and hearing aids?

    Hi, I'm 14 and I wear nadia phonak hearing aids in both ears. I want to get a helix piercing- would my hearing aids cause any problems
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    How to convince your mother to allow me to get my ear pierced??

    Hi, I'm 14 and I want to get my ear pierced (I'd dunno what's it's called but I want to get one up the rim of ear- high up), but my mother will not let me! We are going to city tomorrow where they can pierce ears? Do you think I'll convince her by tomorrow?
  17. H

    Deaf people's alarm?? Help!!?

    I'm hard of hearing and a student. I'm always late for school, and this is because I don't have an alarm cause I won't be able to hear it! How do I wake up on time?!
  18. H

    My little sister is being bullied! How can i help her?

    I appreciate a lot people's dedication and time to this link. But some people don't realise that we are in a middle of massive recession here and a property bust- If we move that would cost my dad's job? Anyone think of that? It's pretty logical. Also, people aren't actually thinking about my...
  19. H

    Do you guys embrace your hearing loss/deafness?!

    Are you guys happy to show people your hearing aids, or cochlear or not? Do you mind tying up your hair to reveal your HA or CI? Do have coloured hearing aids etc? Do you like having a hearing loss? Does it make you feel unique? Etc. C'mon guys, inspire me!(:
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    My little sister is being bullied! How can i help her?

    Oh, there has many, many complaints about the lack of cop-on from the principal lodged to the bishop (the catholic church and the minister for education handles the schooling system), but he isn't doing anything about it. So, instead they(the parents) took it the parent/school board. And...