Helix piercing and hearing aids?

Hannah louise

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
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Hi, I'm 14 and I wear nadia phonak hearing aids in both ears.
I want to get a helix piercing- would my hearing aids cause any problems
I have a Naida UP hearing aid. That takes up room behind my ear. I can't see how you can fit a piercing. Unless you have really giant ears, or you don't mind your ear bent over at a sharp angle.
if U want earrings, JennyB has some good ones that will fit over the tubes of your Naidas!
i have the SPs and getting UP's I don't think either aid could really accommodate much room for a piercing..up to you but I wouldn't get it
Maybe you should wear your HA when you go to meet the piercer. The piercer needs to know about any space limitations, sensitivities, or sources of potential irritation.
Maybe you should wear your HA when you go to meet the piercer. The piercer needs to know about any space limitations, sensitivities, or sources of potential irritation.

And allow for future hearing aid hardware behind your ear.
I just received my phonak Cros hearing aid and I had many piercings. Between both ears I had my tragus, industrial, rook, orbital, and the forward helix. I took them out as they made my hearing aid a bit uncomfortable (not all of them, but I still decided to take them out, the orbital and rook were fine). Although, this was an easy decision as I'm 22 and I got to fully enjoy all my piercings. Like everyone said, I'd wear them when you go to the piercer, but keep in mind as it's healing it can't be in contact with anything or it runs a risk of infection or taking a very long time to heal.