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  1. S

    You might be a Floridian if....

    Oh my gosh, I have been laughing so hard after reading this! Most of these are so true. You know you are a Floridian when the minimum speeds of the highway are 75 mph and above... or maybe that is just Jacksonville? Haha. ... when there are only two football teams the Gators and the Noles...
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    Blood/plasma donation discrimination!!!

    There is only one layer of skin between rectum and the bloodstream, so it does somewhat help eliminate if you have a higher risk of being exposed to HIV. Though based on the statistics in Florida, HIV is still highly present in the MSM population compared to the hetero. That they do not also ask...
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    Starbucks Vivanno smoothies

    I've tried both the banana chocolate with espresso and the orange mango banana with matcha. I can't say I particularly liked either, and I agree it was a batter like consistency. They have a weird aftertaste that just leaves your mouth feeling a little violated. Can't go wrong with the hot...
  4. S

    *it's a choice"

    Don't be sorry for needing to express your thoughts. Sometimes, you do just need a good rant. I agree with you though, I am not gay. Totally straight on my front, but many of my good friends are gay and they would never choose it... ever. Just like you said, at this time there are just so many...
  5. S

    Hello :D

    Aw, I'm sorry, but also congratulations! Do you know if it is a boy or girl? Thank you so much! I have already been lurking through some of the old posts just reading. I never knew there were three different types of sign language, but SEE and PSE are not related to ASL and I am learning a...
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    Equality Across America

    Good luck! I'm sure besides standing up for what you believe, you will also have a lot of fun!
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    Favorite Book?

    Souggy, I definitely think that is one of the best series to floating around to date. This book literally broke my mind. I remember when I read it for the first time, I read from start to finish in what must have been a few hours but it seemed like moments. That books is so vivid. I felt as...
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    Did you ever happen to you before to watch movie and book with same title while.....

    No, I am one of the worst about either reading the book OR watching the movie. I rarely do both. I can never appreciate the movie if I read the book first because I love the books so much! And if it is the other way around the movie kills my imagination. I can't even imagine doing both. :X
  9. S

    LGT Movie u saw....

    Ooh, just to agree with previous posts... Gravitation was awesome. There are some other good animated ones like Yami no Matsuei and Gakuen Heaven. Also, you forgot some of the saddest and some funny ones... Gia (Angelina Jolie), Philadelphia (Tom Hanks), The Birdcage (with Robin Williams)...
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    Taller Shorter Couple

    Um, I don't like having to look up all the time so I like the average height range. =]
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    Black Woman/White Men Relationships!

    I am biracial (half black), and believe me at from what I've seen, it is more about how black men treat black women if they date white men. If a black man dates a white girl, "You go man! Can't believe you hit that." That kind of congratulatory mentality. If a black woman dates a white guy...
  12. S

    Hello :D

    Thank you Bottesini for making me feel so welcomed. This quest will definitely be neverending! :D Thank you Celticty! I will try to let go of my natural reticence in asking questions. I have tendency to be shy if I'm unsure. When did you start learning ASL? Wow, that is so impressive...
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    Ban Ban Ban pr0n

    Haven't we learned prohibition just breeds creativity (of the underground market kind)? :confused:
  14. S

    Hello :D

    Hello Bottesini and JClarke! To answer your question... Its an entirely different culture that I never really took the time to think about, deafness versus hearing impairment versus identification as Deaf or how that affected others. I just always thought ASL was beautiful. It just wasn't it...
  15. S

    Hello :D

    Hi Everyone! How are you? I was debating alot whether or not to make an introduction message, but I gathered my courage. I’m really determined to learn ASL and have only just started. One of my friends suggested I learn more about culture before I throw myself into something and I can’t thank...
  16. S

    Cure for a Fingernails Biter?

    I was a chronic nail biter for a very long time, and it had more to do with my emotions. If I was anxious, hungry, even bored, I bit my nails. I found when I started chewing sugar free gum it helped alleviate some of the "need" to bite my nails. But that is just me. I remember my mom used to try...