Did you ever happen to you before to watch movie and book with same title while.....


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Aug 1, 2009
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Did you ever happen to you before to watch movie and book with same title while you are sitting down when you are reading and watch at same time?
Did you ever happen to you before to watch movie and book with same title while you are sitting down when you are reading and watch at same time?

No, I am one of the worst about either reading the book OR watching the movie. I rarely do both. I can never appreciate the movie if I read the book first because I love the books so much! And if it is the other way around the movie kills my imagination. I can't even imagine doing both. :X
I have read Sophie's World and The Girl with the Pearl Earring before watching the movie. And I definitely preferred both times the books to the movies ;)
I can never appreciate the movie if I read the book first because I love the books so much! And if it is the other way around the movie kills my imagination. I can't even imagine doing both. :X

I agreed. Movie usually sometimes kills my imagination, too. I like books better than the movies, because I like the depth the book provide, an insight to the thinking and feelings of each character, where movies cannot do that. Right?
No. Once I've read the book I usually don't watch the movie cause they tend to disappoint.
I agreed. Movie usually sometimes kills my imagination, too. I like books better than the movies, because I like the depth the book provide, an insight to the thinking and feelings of each character, where movies cannot do that. Right?

It's only possible if they do most of the novels as a complete mini-series without making any cuts, but regardless, the novels allow you the freedom to imagine while the movies doesn't.

In most cases, the original materials are superior to its adaptations in any forms. For instance, if a movie based on an original screenplay is adapted into a novel, there is a good chance the movie is better than the novel.

It's the same with translated songs.

However, it doesn't mean they will be awful movies. They can be great movies even if they are not close to being faithful to the novels.

For instance, The Shining. Both the novel and the film adaptation were great, but definitely far from being faithful to the novel. King hated it at first because it was nothing like the novel. Today, it is hailed as a horror classic.

So what I'm saying is, don't expect the movies to match the novels. They are only taking the name of the novel to sell the movie, regardless of how faithful it is to the original material. Just watch it as a whole different movie with no relation to the original material which is what I do.
for me I have often found that whichever one came later - "so-and-so based on", I have not liked as much.
But I tend to read the books first-
I always read the books first before I watch the movies. While I watch the movie, I go, Wait a minute. It's not there!" I have to keep telling myself they're movie versions, not books.

A girl friend told me a funny story. She was at the store and saw Twilight books on the shelves. On the cover, it said "based on the hit movie." Priceless! LOL
I have read Sophie's World and The Girl with the Pearl Earring before watching the movie. And I definitely preferred both times the books to the movies ;)

I thought The Girl with the Pearl Earring book was great. I read it three times...