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    Christmas Scavenger Hunt 2009 [FREE GIFTS]

    May I ask where it takes place?
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    Turn around time for new earmolds

    Hi, Just wondering. I'm in the Northern Kentucky Tri-state area. It's been over 2 weeks and the pair of earmolds ordered still isn't ready. I'm a Master Goldsmith/ Watchmaker with 22 years of extensive experience with molding and casting of various materials. Duplicate earmolds could...
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    Naida H.A.

    yeah it's shockproof.....oh it ain't....mmmm....
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    Naida H.A.

    Getting a Naida IX after 5 years of life on my base priced Miracle Ear ITE. After 2 weeks, still waiting on the earmolds. Question: Are the Naidas shockproof? I've been wearing hearing aids since the early '60's and found that some BTE aids can be quite forgiving if dropped on the floor.