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  1. S

    gay like me?

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    Marriage or Civil Union

    Lovely Dixie, that was wonderful!
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    Deaf gay parents: signs for mom/dad

    Dad/daddy papa/dad
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    Utah State Senator: "Gays are probably the greatest threat to America."

    I agree. And people wonder why the suicide rate for gay children is so high *shakes head sadly*
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    LOOOOL I love that cartoon!! so true!
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    Utah State Senator: "Gays are probably the greatest threat to America."

    Oh NO!!! Not the gays!!! How horrid is that that chilren of GLB parents have to listen about the public saying their mommies and daddies are going to hell.
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    Utah State Senator: "Gays are probably the greatest threat to America."

    LMFAO! Please tell me no one agrees with the utah whack job, because that shit is HILARIOUS.
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    No. But for being gay, yes.
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    Marriage or Civil Union

    Awesome post!
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    Marriage or Civil Union

    Just like how some people think marriage is between two white people. Nice bigoted company you keep there, sweetcheeks. :roll:
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    Marriage or Civil Union

    Um, not gays. Duh?
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    Marriage or Civil Union

    The word marriage matters to me. How dare you want to take that away from me.
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    #1 song the day you were born

    Step By Step - New Kids On The Block
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    Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

    Not guilty. Did you ever orgasm 3 times in one day?
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    If you could...

    Nothing different than what I do right now :giggle:
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    Ask Mann_K05 anything! <3

    lmao, if you had to eat anyone in this group who would it be and how'd you prepare them? Like if I ate you, I would pour some chocolate syrup on you.
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    Marriage or Civil Union

    ^ *applause*
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    random pixs for fun

  19. S

    Hall of Embarrassing Pix!
