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  1. A

    What attracts you to a male or female?

    What attracts you, the personality, the look, etc, etc? For me..It's the Personality, intelligence and the skin tone, Lol. I don't know why, it just does. I'm an athlete, I love to see girl's sweat and have their skin glisten so shiny, it just :shock: to me. You can be fit or thick, if you...
  2. A


    I don't know if I'll get in or not cause they haven't send me a letter saying acceptance or denied yet. But If I do go, what to expect, execpt the fact that' It's going to be cold, lol.
  3. A

    The name Is Apo.

    ...But you can just call me Darrell. New to the site, what's good? :afro: