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  1. D

    I signed a song.Mama im coming home

    I was going to upload it to youtube but there was a file error and im lazy right now to upload it again, so i have it on photobucket. Anyway i think it might have some signs flaws i have problems coming with asign for "by" as time goes by and "long" as in, its been so long. So any comments...
  2. D

    abc story help

    Well, i have to do an abc story in two weeks and i found this one. ASL - American Sign Language How would you guys sign/mime, the part from T to W?. i'm having a little difficulty with those, so i hope you guys can help me with that.Thanks!.:cool:
  3. D

    Hello from a ASL student.

    Well,Good night everyone. My name is German(not as in the country hehe) but you can call me Germ for short. My username comes from the first song i ever signed.Dreamer by Ozzy Osbourne.I could show it to you,but since it might have some sign errors, im kind of shy to show it to you all...