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  1. C

    Hearies view on a CI kid... its a bummer

    :afro:Today I had the worst experience of listening to a woman talk about the child she supervises in a public school system. This middle school boy has a CI and is I don't know how other people feel about that issue and I guess it's a per person basis.. I just know that the...
  2. C

    This is so Exciting

    Okay, this is the first time I've "met" so many people similar to me... so many stories that I've experienced to a degree or can totally relate with. It's amazing.. why don't HoH who relate to Deaf/Hearing live near me?? So, who am I.... My name is Crystal and I live in California. I am 35...
  3. C

    University of Tenn... Is it a good program

    Hi ya'll.. Thinking about transferring to UT for Deaf Studies, Deaf Ed program..but most Cali people I know somewhat related to Deaf community say "where".... this isn't a good thing for me... I want to know what Deaf community says about the program.. I really don't want to go to CSUN. I've...
  4. C

    Tired of being in Middle.. hoh woman Cali

    You know this may be the only place I can honestly vent where it doesn't confuse ANYONE...about why I am venting... Okay.. I grew up in hearing family and did not know I was hoh until I was 32..Not intellectually anyway... It was "something wrong with me" syndrome I grew up with..Always...