Recent content by Woofy

  1. Woofy

    What not to do when getting a speeding ticket:

    How is that possible?!? What an idiot! :giggle:
  2. Woofy

    how do you order your food?

    Hello all, I just point at the menu or use my SK. I dont like it if someone else orders for me. Woof Woof!!!
  3. Woofy

    have something to say

    Hey man!!! CONGRATS!!!:dance2: :dance2:
  4. Woofy

    ASL Teachers dated former students?

    Huh? I am referring to students a lot older than 12 years old. Lots of Deaf teachers teach ASL at the college level. This is what I was talking about. I understand that you are referring to that HUGE mess in Seattle about that middle school teacher having 2 kids with this BOY. (He is...
  5. Woofy

    Need info on Hearing Dogs!!!

    Guess what? I have been asked whether I can participate in a 2 week training session with CCI in June. I am not too sure if I can go because of work. I am excited about this.
  6. Woofy

    ASL Teachers dated former students?

    Hello, Yes. I was referring to ASL teachers who are deaf going out with their former hearing students. Sorry that I wasn't specific before. I wonder if that is fairly common for that to happen? I do know that it is against regulations to date current students for obvious reasons.
  7. Woofy

    ASL Teachers dated former students?

    Hello all,, I wonder if any of you (ASL Instructors) have dated former students? Have you gotten married? Just wondering...
  8. Woofy

    [Video] Cochlear Implant joke

    I liked it. I thought it was funny, not "die from laughing" kind of laugh, but still funny. Humor is good.
  9. Woofy

    Law & Order: Criminal Intent TV show, April 3rd NBC channel

    What time and date?
  10. Woofy

    Celebrating Divorce/ Looking For Soul Mate

    Hey Deafinorgeon, You tied the knot three times? I am divorced. This time, I am gonna take it easy and find the right gal. It is a whole new ball park!
  11. Woofy

    The Silencer

    Hello all, I loved the show. It described the pros and cons of CI very well. As for that guy who was serving as an interpreter was more like an on site interpreter. For that role, I thought that he played it really well. For instance, he wouldn't interpret or look at that deaf guy and the...
  12. Woofy

    I saved the dog today

    You could adopt that dog if that dog isn't claimed by the owner with in a few days.
  13. Woofy

    Anyone have any info on deaf events in SF?

    Jocybear, Did you find some events that you would like to attend?
  14. Woofy

    Anyone have any info on deaf events in SF?

    Hello, Jocybear... I used to have a black cat just like yours. His name was Blackjack. I miss that SOB. Sigh... Anyway, I live 1 hour south of SF. You could find some deaf related events at this website. Welcome to DCARA Hope this helps...
  15. Woofy

    Thieves exploit phone system for the deaf

    Yes... I can understand that. I have done that several times. I like that look... "Oh crap... that was really him on the phone." Sometimes I get something free in return.