Recent content by radka73

  1. radka73

    How long have you changed the sounds of ki?

    How long after activation you were faced with a change in listening? Did you have a headache? Or some pressure in your ear? How did you deal with it? When you listen to stabilize?
  2. radka73

    Auditory Neuropathy diagnosis

    Can I ask link? Thank you.
  3. radka73

    Auditory neuropathy

    I would like to ask. Do you have someone CI and the auditory neuropathy? How do you hear?
  4. radka73

    Auditory Neuropathy diagnosis

    Can I ask how diagnosed with auditory neuropathy?
  5. radka73

    The doctor's verdict - explantation

    17th January was performed explantation CI. Implant was removed. Elekroda is left in the cochlea. The implant is sent to the manufacturer for analysis and for four months, we will know the results. For the half year will consider next steps.
  6. radka73

    Implant failure

    Nothing is certain. The implant will be sent for analysis. If it is proved defective by manufacturer. What then?
  7. radka73

    Implant failure

    Implant failure. You asked for compensation? 2 years suffering with CI. Headache. Finally explantation and analysis of CI. For half a year maybe a new CI. If you prove to be defective, what further.
  8. radka73

    125htz and Audiograms.

    It's true. Audiometer can be drawn tones 125Hz. Here in the Czech Republic makes a test to 125Hz. Audiogram begins and ends at 60Hz 12000Hz. Always my curve, but begins to 125Hz.
  9. radka73

    The doctor's verdict - explantation

    I wonder. A classic example is, the implant is completely defective. He does not work at all. But it may happen, that the implant (maybe half working properly) works, but there are health problems? Cutting and burning at the implant site? The question, whether the implant is bad, or is it a...
  10. radka73

    The doctor's verdict - explantation

    see. fibers - Search Results Today I was at the doctor. He is my surgery. My cochlear implant surgery was in juny 2011. The final verdict now is explantation! I have entrance to the clinic in October. My cochlear implant will be sent for analysis. For a half a year thereafter...
  11. radka73

    All, who were reimplanted

    What was the problem in CI? Poor electrode or electrodes inserted into the cochlea? I've got a year and a half the problem with CI. On Tuesday I go to CT (computer tomography). That is how bad listening. What have you heard?
  12. radka73

    All, who were reimplanted

    A implant was defective? Or just annoying symptoms? How long the symptoms lasted? As you've heard the old implant? What quality listening.
  13. radka73

    All, who were reimplanted

    And what were the problems with the old implant?
  14. radka73

    All, who were reimplanted

    Reimplantation exist. I also did not know. I want to know what problems you had before re-implantation CI.
  15. radka73

    All, who were reimplanted

    Please, who were reimplanted. What was the reason for reimplantation? How long have you had the old implant before you get a new one? As was found to be defective in your implant?