Recent content by eshov

  1. eshov

    Pictures in avatar?

    Nice pic RQ Looking good.....
  2. eshov

    Site feedback please

    Hey there Only the pic at the end is me. The others are stills from films that I have been involved in. If you can't get to it via the link I put, try instead. I have not aimed the site at dial-up users purely on the basis that most media production companies...
  3. eshov

    Site feedback please

    Hey guys I have been doing a self-promotion site / online CV to promote myself to potential employers in my intended career. Any feedback would be much appreciated. The site is at There are a few glitches at the moment that i'm having trouble with, such as getting...
  4. eshov

    Hangover Cures?

    I find its always useful to drink milk before a heavy drinking session, as it effectively lines your stomach. Or you could eat starchy foods beforehand such as pasta which I find helps. I guess it depends on the individual - everyone is gonna react to alcohol differently. In the end i guess...
  5. eshov

    Automatically convert voicemail to text!

    How accurate is it anyway?
  6. eshov

    Do you miss being single?

    I don't miss it at all! Have been with my current GF for the past 3 1/2 years and have never looked back.
  7. eshov

    Intro from the newbie

    Hi everyone. I thought i'd introduce myself to you all. I am a Student from Bristol in the UK, studying Photomedia at Bournemouth Uni. I have been hard of hearing since the age of 4 and use hearing aids to assist in hearing. This forum is by far the best and most dedicated towards deaf...
  8. eshov

    Hearing Aids users

    I have worn a hearing aid for the past 17 years so I am pretty used to it i guess. It has never bothered me other than when the batteries run out when you dont want them to. Ed