Recent content by babyangel5302

  1. B

    First Evaluation from Audiologist since years

    You are getting goood info here
  2. B

    First Evaluation from Audiologist since years

    OMG I had no idea hey girl you are on here good job told you they are nice!
  3. B

    First Evaluation from Audiologist since years

    I agree with Bebonang
  4. B

    I am glad to be here in

    Alicia is right. I am not late deafened but I'm deaf We are proud to be deaf its not suffering that's why we don't like to be called hearing-impaired. We can do anything but hear.
  5. B

    earmold costs

    mine are 75 its annoying we need coverage but ya know its sad other ppl get coverage that dont need it like things we need(sighs):roll:
  6. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    yeah there is a difference...
  7. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    okk cool yeah kinda sucks u u have ur aids without ur earmolds...keep me updated
  8. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    I'm going with the soft and I will see how they work
  9. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    seems pretty cool yeah i think that im going with soft ones thanks ;)
  10. B

    Hearing pill !!!

    what? nahhh never
  11. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    yeah me too someone just told me to shave them down lol but i mean its funny ive had them done over a while back so they arent too small so thats not the issue but yeah soft molds are rarely given as a choice i guess id have to special order them hmmm...since you were a child okay yeah kids...
  12. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    im not oral deaf but i think that is cool thanks for answering my questions and i hope that your hearing aid soft molds turn out for the best. haha because ihave to find out what im going to do but thanks so much and thats very nice that you continue to do what you can good luck!
  13. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    but you say you are new to the deaf world right? so you might just be used to the hearing aids right 23? or what do u mean
  14. B

    Earmolds!!! Ughhh

    well here where i live that's the first thing they give you is a hard mold