Lactose intolerance

See? this is how you twist and manipulate everything everybody says.

If I say I don't think you are a bad person that means I don't think you are a bad person. I think you are generally Okay person with a few not very nice treats - like manipulating and convinced you so know better! (but you don't, really) - and that is why I don't trust you.

I can read what you are saying. You said that you don't think I am a bad person. I said, yes you have.

Why I said this BECAUSE you label me as master manipulator, uncanny skill, liar, misinformation, misleading, etc. etc. in previous posts and then claim that I am not a bad person. It makes no sense to me.

I do not see anything that I twist or manipulate but copied an exact what you typed.

Do you still want to claim that I twist it or what?

I doubt it.
Under false pretense of "exchanging information and experience",
you bash American milk. And you are doing it beautifully, I must add, but you are not fooling ME.

I bashed US milk? Huh? Please use your common sense and open mind.

this is so silly... no sodium but salt?
Salt = Sodium Chloride

so if you have SALT in your cottage cheese, yes you DO HAVE Sodium.

For your information, I CAN read the label before buy them.

It written SALT, not SODUIM... It do have soduim in some cottage cheeses, soft cheese etc. They write salt or soduim in any foods and drink...

yes not every Sodium is salt.
Exactly that's what I am trying to explain that Soduim and salt is not the same thing in the previous posts... There're many different form of salts.

, but yes every table salt is Sodium

Yes I know Soduim as chemical name for table salt but the really is soduim and salt are not the same thing. I am not here to correct or belittle anyone like what you did here.
Here is link

Have you simply said, like a REAL friend, hey your milk taste differently to me, sorry I don't like the taste - that would be no plm. I accept that.

I do not see you accept my experience and taste but offense and claim that I bash US milk.

For your information... I do not complaint or didn't say that I don't like US milk because I do drink them. Of course I told my friends in real life... They have no problem with my view... They are open mind and share healthy issues what we watch etc. with me. I have no problem to try US foods and drink except oatmeal. I told my friend that the taste of oatmeal is too much sweet when it written on the front of plastic cup "NO SUGAR"... My friend explained me that artificial sweetener is add in oatmeal. I was like wow. We talked open mind about foods issues but you?

I din't like German milk that much either - also, I couldn't even find Lactose free milk but that may have been because we were car travelling, so we stopped at small stores by highway, only.

I have NO problem to know that you don't like German milk. I accept it with no offense. Did you hear me saying: You bashed German milk...? No, I accept because each person has different taste.

But since you started criticizing our labels as "chemicals", not knowing what that does really mean at that - hey, then it's whole 'nother story.
It's not friendly exchange anymore is spreading lies. And misinformation.

Huh? Use your common sense please. I has no reason to make up the stories or whatever. What you think is not my problem... If you continue to call me liar or whatever about oatmeal then is not my problem. My friends are only people, who knows and share with me in real life because I open them that oatmeal is too much sweet. They opened me that it's artificial sweetener. I told them that I don't like taste... US milk really doesn't bother me really becuase I can drink them.

And- you are comparing fat free milk to your regular milk? why? what's the point?

Again, are you trying to belittle me or what?

I do not compare my 1,5 % fat milk with US fat-free milk but 2% reduced milk. I would compare if there're fat-free milk or 0,01% fat milk here in Germany with US fat-free milk but I didn't. German do have 0,01% fat milk in any shops but I do not buy them but 1,5%, 3,5% and 3,8% fat milk.

I ignored part of your posts because I don't want to waste my time to post when anyone who tried to belittle me and think they know everything better and negative my posts and prove me wrong all the time instead of polite and respectful debate. You think I don't know what ham is about...

*shake my head*
Ok, before I came to Canada 25 years ago from Europe (Poland and Germany) I couldn't get used to how the food tasted here.
While in Germany I loved yogurt, but Canadian yogurt tasted terrible to me. I was so dissapointed. Same with cottage cheese- I like the dry one but Canadian is so much different from European white curd cheeses.
(Now I love it!!!)

So, you can imagine how excited I was when I was going to Poland after spending 11 years in Canada. I thought about all those foods I was going to taste again!

Guess what - another dissapoinment. The cheese seemed to be different than I remembered, so did the German yogurt (total dissapointment) and some other stuff I used to like and missed.

What happened?
This happened - you get used to the taste you eat day in, day out for prolonged period of time.
Once you get used to the new food, you most likely will have to get used to the old one all over again. It's normal. It's how your taste buds work.

What's more, I got used to the Canadian food so much I actually missed some of Candian food while in Europe! :)

The same thing happened when we went last year to Germany, Holland, and Poland. I missed a lot of Canadian foods.
I am not saying I didn't enjoy anything while in Europe - I did, but not neccessarily what I thought I will enjoy.

Yes I understand what you mean and agree with you.

When I was in England, I don't like yoghurt and cottage cheese. Curd cheese (Magerquark) is my lover... I only try curd cheese is here in Germany but never tried anything in other countries... I was told that curd cheese in USA and England are 3 times expensive than Germany. I would try if I am in USA again.

I live in Germany for over 22 years and the taste of some foods and drink remain same until German is stricter about health issues...... I like German yoghurt better than British... Anyway, I visited England time to time after no visit for 10 years... I feel strange after tried British foods. Some of British foods, I still buy... and lost interest some... My polish friends said the same thing what you said about different foods when they were in Poland (before communist time)... They said that the foods before communist time are the best quality than after communist time. They also said that the foods before communist time is better quality than Germany... Interesting.. They know the difference which I doesn't. I travel a lot and have no problem to try anything with different tastes from different countries... I enjoy myself to compare different tastes... Example: I don't like British and German lamb but I like lamb when I was in Cyprus. I tried anything when I was in USA and like them but I didn't try their junk foods.

I miss some of British foods when I am here in Germany but I do miss German foods when I was in England as well. I love some of US foods and miss it... I already bought some and brought home with me. I will miss if US foods are running out.

So, Liebling, while I understand how the milk could have been not tasty to you, and I accept that in whole, because I know that from my own experience,
please bear in mind that it's merely a matter of being USED TO.
It is very possible that you, like me, if you were to move to USA for stay - after drinking a year or two of only American milk, you might be surpised to find you'll have to get used to the German milk all over again.

It doesn't mean that I don't like US milk but that's just the taste is different, that's all. I do drink them or use it for cereal with no problem.

Yes I know what you mean about use US milk if I move and live in America. Yes it could be true.

For now... :grouphug:

I'm vegan.

Yes. I live in England (Europe). Never been to canada.

Yes, I am very much against all dairy products. I don't intentionally eat or drink anything with dairy products. I even switched brands of my thyroxine because the pills I used to take had lactose in them so now I have liquid thyroxine which is lactose free.

I replace milk with soya milk. I replace cheese with 'cheezly' which is also made from soya. I replace icecream with a range of vegan icecreams including Be nice 'rice cream' which is made with rice milk.

Replacing dairy products with none dairy replacements are not as hard as you may think.

England is somewhere in Canada... That's' why I make sure either you are a Canadian or British.

Thank you for answer to my question. Its good to know that you find something to replace dairy products to strength your health.
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Liebling, If milk in Germany don't have sodium or sugar then that means companies are remove the sodium and sugar before start shipping to grocery store but won't happen in USA except for remove the lactose.

Sodium and sugar are natural from cow, also there's none on ingredient.

Also cows in Germany can be different species.
Liebling, If milk in Germany don't have sodium or sugar then that means companies are remove the sodium and sugar before start shipping to grocery store but won't happen in USA except for remove the lactose.

Sodium and sugar are natural from cow, also there's none on ingredient.

Also cows in Germany can be different species.

I know that soduim is in some dairy products but remove the soduim and sugar from milk before deliver to stores? :dunno:

I questioned my co-worker about your suggestion post here... She said that she can't image it. :dunno:

Accord German law, they are obigate to add sodiuim or whatever on the Natrution Facts label but it doesn't write in milk label...

Perhap you could be right?
If you don't care but why continue post then? I simple suggest you to don't post if you are not interesting. :dunno:
I stated that I care about facts. If someone posts something that isn't true I want to correct it.

...Now I am asking you a simple question:

Why they have more sugar and soduim in US Nutrition Facts than German Nutrition Facts? Where it come from?
It depends on the product. Whatever the product is, the Nutrition Facts must list what is there. If a product has lots of sugar and/or sodium, it will be listed. If it has zero sugar or sodium, that will also be listed. Each product is different. The Nutrition Facts include all the properties that are naturally occurring AND those that have been added.
I repeat my question:

Why they have more sugar and soduim in US Nutrition Facts than German Nutrition Facts?
Why do you need to repeat yourself?

Anyway, some products have more, some less. It depends on the product. The more processing a product goes thru, more likely it will have more sodium and sugar. For example, a can of spaghetti sauce has more processing and more additives than a vine-ripened tomato packaged by itself.

I only copied what the milk, written. I look for "Ingredient" after finish typed list under Nutrition Facts - none because it's not necassary to print "Ingredient" and then add milk which it already print "MILK" on the front of bottle or packet... If something to add in milk then they have to print "ingredient" then write what they add to if it's not just milk.
Do you know the difference between an "ingredient" and an "additive"?

I brought oalmeal to mix with dried fruits, yoghurt with me for lunch. I copied what my oatmeal written: (accord your wish for add the list yesterday... I am trying to search the link to show you... if not, then scan the label of milk and other foods when my machine is here). (my machine is still at repair).

The list under oatmeal Nutrition Facts pro 100 g.

Calories - 366
Protein - 12,5 g
carbs - 63,3 g
from sugar - 0,7 g
Fat - 7,0 g
Saturated fatty acids - 1,3 g
Dietary Fiber - 5,4 g
Soduim - 0,005g

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamine B1 - 0,6 mg
Niacin - 4,2 mg
Iron - 4,6 mg
Zinc - 4,4 mg
Phosphor - 391 mg

I looking for Ingredient either they add or not... NONE... which mean is just oatmeal what the front of packet written.
The "ingredient" is the oatmeal. You didn't get an empty packet, right? "Ingredient" means what is inside the packet. Inside the packet is oatmeal; that is the ingredient.

The list under mixed dried fruits Nutrition Facts pro 100 g.

Calories - 275
Protein - 2,0 g
Carbs - 65,5 g
from sugar - 44,1 g
Fat - 0,5 g
Saturated fatty acids - 0,25 g
Dietary Fiber - 8,3 g
Soduim - 0,032 g



Plum might have stones including.
So the sodium and other nutrients listed are naturally occurring in the apricot, pear, plum, and apple. Just like I said.
I know that soduim is in some dairy products but remove the soduim and sugar from milk before deliver to stores? :dunno:

I questioned my co-worker about your suggestion post here... She said that she can't image it. :dunno:

Accord German law, they are obigate to add sodiuim or whatever on the Natrution Facts label but it doesn't write in milk label...

Perhap you could be right?

I said that can be happen in Germany for remove the sodium/sugar via filter or something.

Just like most fruits have sugar as natural but some juice companies that make sugar free juice then they remove the natural sugar from fruits before pour in every bottle then shipping to grocery store.

Just like said "Sugar Free Grape Juice" or something.

If any juice that's no sugar added means no artificial sugar are added, all are natural.

kool-Aid is full of artificial, just taste like fake fruit juice.

For me, I rather to buy juice that's full natural, most are from shelves in cooler like part of dairy area.
Why I said this BECAUSE you label me as master manipulator, uncanny skill, liar, misinformation, misleading, etc. etc. in previous posts and then claim that I am not a bad person. It makes no sense to me.

Okay, I see.
Why I don't think you are a bad person but you are manipulating and mislead.
Because in your other threads you show your can be also warm, loving, funny, open minded, tolerant person and excellent mother. I just read your replies from Duggars thread and I think you are 100% right. I usually agree with your ways of bringing child up.

But in this particular thread you are not admitting you secretly think that American food on the whole is not healthy, contains a lot of chemicals but German food - oh, we, we have such a strict laws and regulations, our milk is so pure, why American milk has so many things written od the labels, wow,
German has only this and that, blah blah blah.

There is such thing like reading between the lines.

That is why I think your intention was not merely "compare" information. You think German milk is better that American, healthier.
It's clear what you really think when you say things like " wow. American cheese has this and that, wow so many things - no thank you I preffer my healthy Leerdammer".

Well, if that was true about American cheese, or milk, or whatever being full of chemicals I would have to agree, but it isn't.
It is just a matter of differences in labelling.

Americans are also many Germans who immigrated from Germany, let's not forget that, do you think they would like to come here to live and eat unhealthy food? and let's not forget that many of German immigrants work in food industry, too.

I bashed US milk? Huh? Please use your common sense and open mind.

yes you did. if you simply have said "wow, american milk taste like chalk to me" that would be that. Or even chemical. Just chemical taste.

But when you start adding things like "wow... I read the label.. so many things, wow.. oh, I see Sodium added.. there is no sodium in milk, I asked German farmer there is no Sodium? maybe they add salt to the feed then the cow's milk has Sodium?? or maybe the add Sodium to the milk?
gee, German has only this and that.. no thank you, I preffer REAL German milk"

the unfortunately you imply that American milk is not "real" and we add chemicals to it. That is not right, and not true.
Please mind I wasn't the only one that objected to that - Reba did too but Reba is so much nicer and calmer than me.

It written SALT, not SODUIM... It do have soduim in some cottage cheeses, soft cheese etc. They write salt or soduim in any foods and drink...

But, you see, since salt is Sodium Chloride, if the cottage cheese says Salt, it must have Sodium. That is my point. I said that because you said your cottage cheese dos not have Sodium, only salt.

So, if you say your label says "salt" but does not says "Sodium", I can only conclude either the amount of Sodium from salt in the cheese is so low that it fell under the number "0" and under German laws if it says 0 it does not have be written on the package, or maybe Cheese company is reqired to inform their product have salt but does not have to inform about Sodium, but the milk company must do BOTH,
or maybe there is a hundred different reasons I don't know.

American laws require even if the amount is 0, it must be written.

soduim and salt are not the same thing.

It is and it isn't.
As I've said before, every TABLE salt is Sodium- Sodium Chloride, and if you put salt in your food it will always have Sodium and Chlorine as a compound Sodium Chloride.

If you separate Sodium from Chloride then you have no more salt only two single separate elements - Sodium and Chlorine, because ChloriDE is only a name to indicate what kind of compound (two or more things) it is.

Like baking powder- Sodium Bicarbonate - another source of Sodium in our diet -
the name says it is compound of one Sodium element and two elements of carbon (hence bi-)
And you know what Carbon is, don't you :)
people sometimes used it to heat their furnace :)

Of course, Sodium can be found in nature as a single element, and for example in cow's milk is pure Sodium - just single element without Chlorine or carbon or anything.

And I guess that is why it says "Sodium and Salt is not the same".
But again- Sodium from salt is the same as Sodium from milk. It just is not as single (froms alt)

For example, you know that water is two gasses - Hydrogen and Oxygen. If you drink water you drink both. And suppose you got sick and you need to breath pure Oxygen - it's the same Oxygen as in water only now separate, single and back to gas form.
It's not the same as water anymore, it is gas now, but still in a way - the same - I hope you got it now.

Liebling I love you. You are mighty opponent, as always. I got bruised in this discussion too :)
I don't know about you but for me discussion, arguments are like boxing match - we try to beat up each other. I give it my all.
But once the match is over we join hands hugs each other and respect each other. And together go have beer, or milk or whatever ;)

I do have big mouth, if I hurt you I am sorry.

My polish friends said the same thing what you said about different foods when they were in Poland (before communist time)... They said that the foods before communist time are the best quality than after communist time. They also said that the foods before communist time is better quality than Germany...

You know, I wonder if you've ever heard old people always reminiscencing:
~ "when I was young, the food tasted different, better etc. They don't make it as good any more, hmph!" ?

I think this is the case with everyone. Your Polish friends probably liked better "communist" food because this was the food of their youth - you know what I mean?

Were some polish foods then better than German?? I dunno...

I can tell you what I remember- I came to Germany in 1982.
I didn't like German sausage that much, I do preffer Polish sausage over other to this day.
But I think the dairy (milk, cheese), the meat, veggies, fruit, fish - it was as good if not better as Polish.

Certainly dairy like yogurt, buttermilk - FAR more better. Polish Buttermilk back then tasted like a litre of sour milk with pound (half kilo) of white sugar, yuck.

Last year I tried new "democratic" Polish Buttermilk and yogurt,
and I find it much better. I still preffer Canadian and American brands we have here, but it's much better than the one under communist.

BTW in Poland many of German products are available. And that is good!

I am curious if an American and Canadian went to visit Poland how would they like our food???
Because when it comes to our humble mashed potatoes and ground meatballs and cottage cheese and potato perogies- I don't think anyone have it better :)

That's life, it's US system.

It doesn't mean it's right. :pissed: They care more about pushing dairy industry propaganda then they do about the children's health.

If children are lacking to drink traditional milk then would be result in bone issue, such as rickets

Soy milk and rice milk isn't good so enough as traditional milk, that's according on nutrient.

No actually it's according to the dairy industry propaganda machine.

There are some very healthy vegan children about.
No actually it's according to the dairy industry propaganda machine.

not neccessarily. I have heard about benefits of drinking milk from my pediatrician long ago before "dairy propaganda".

besides, even if the dairy industry creates "propaganda",
there are always independent scientific studies going on.

Regardless, what would be wrong with drinking milk in your opinion, Dreama?

Why do you need to repeat yourself?

The reason I repeat my 2 questions on the same day is because my question of few days old post #60 are being ignored.

Anyway, some products have more, some less. It depends on the product. The more processing a product goes thru, more likely it will have more sodium and sugar. For example, a can of spaghetti sauce has more processing and more additives than a vine-ripened tomato packaged by itself.

It's not what I am asking about... I am asking you the question why soduim/salt and sugar on US nutrition label is more than German nutrition label.

Do you remember my suggestion about add soduim in addictive feeding to cows in my previous post?

Animals carry their own hidden "additives" with hormones for growth and increased milk production,.....

Avoiding food additives and preservatives

Feed Additives Feed Additives

Do you know the difference between an "ingredient" and an "additive"?

Oh yes, I do. I aviod food additives. I am very picker about food additives when I read on ingredient label and make sure there're no additives... I buy organic foods mostly... sometimes I bought foods with few food additives...

The "ingredient" is the oatmeal. You didn't get an empty packet, right? "Ingredient" means what is inside the packet. Inside the packet is oatmeal; that is the ingredient.

Yes I know... So? Now I repeat that we don't have "ingredient" print on back of food packet or whatever which mean is name of the front of packet, they print. It's not necassary to print twice in packet... one for "ingredient" milk and again print front of "Milk"... One is enough... We know it's just milk.

So the sodium and other nutrients listed are naturally occurring in the apricot, pear, plum, and apple. Just like I said.

I did said too that we do have 2 labels in any foods packets... So? I simple posted to say that I was surprised when I saw soduim on label which got me wondering because we don't have like this here in Germany, that's all and also experience the taste as well. It look like that they add soduim... You keep on claim that it's natural... Sure but why more soduim and sugar on US than German label? and then suggest that soduim could be add something with feed additives to produce cow's milk.... and that's why taste is so different. All what I see here is keep on saying that it's natural etc. etc. I ASK you WHY more soduim and sugar in label.... ? So I search the links myself and found out the exact what I want to know.
Okay, I see.
Why I don't think you are a bad person but you are manipulating and mislead.
Because in your other threads you show your can be also warm, loving, funny, open minded, tolerant person and excellent mother. I just read your replies from Duggars thread and I think you are 100% right. I usually agree with your ways of bringing child up.

Oh I got it... It's other threads, you referred me as not bad person and manipulating, etc. is here... Thank you for explaination...

Thank you for your compliment about my posts in other threads. I do agree with your post about your thought over Duggar, too.

But in this particular thread you are not admitting you secretly think that American food on the whole is not healthy, contains a lot of chemicals but German food - oh, we, we have such a strict laws and regulations, our milk is so pure, why American milk has so many things written od the labels, wow,
German has only this and that, blah blah blah.

I am sorry that you don't like my post but it's fact. I also have to give my American co-workers, my Dad, brother and friends right about this. They did warned me about many junk foods, many chemicals, additives, etc. etc. etc. different taste, etc. etc. etc. I experienced and withnessed myself... I tried to pick right foods when I was in USA but it's not easy... because of sooo many junk foods in Fast Food Resturants than Health Fast Resturant... It's not easy to find salad sandwiches what I really want. If I want to pick anything then go Resturant, not Fast foood Resturant... like "Taken Away" Food. That's one I found turkey salad sandwich is at Wendy and like it but they add mayo on salad sandwiches. If I want "taken away" salad then get at McDonald. We were in Cedar Point... None of Salad sandwiches but junks sell... German ADer said the same thing, too because she went to USA few times. She told me that she want to have salad but they mix mayo on salad which she don't like. I told her that I did asked the waiter to not mix mayo on salad... The waiter agreed to add mayo on small bowl then I can do it myself. That's one fresh and salad buffet in resturant, we went is wonderful and fresh... because I can pick which salad dressing, I like... I ate like crazy... I can test peice of different US foods after finish with salads.... If I go USA again then it must be same salad buffet resturant... I do beleive you about strict laws and regulations in USA but that's just I taste different...

There is such thing like reading between the lines.

That is why I think your intention was not merely "compare" information. You think German milk is better that American, healthier.
It's clear what you really think when you say things like " wow. American cheese has this and that, wow so many things - no thank you I preffer my healthy Leerdammer".

What I thought is fact. If you offend by my post then accept my apology. I do not intend to say this but I say open what I think ... I don't beleive being "flattery"... It's me.

I didn't say anything except milk and oatmeal. I can eat anything what I get when I was in different countries but at my home is a different story... I am very picker about read label first before buy the foods and drink.

It doesn't bother me when the people open to me that what they prefer and what they think... because I like their honestly. I accept my knowledge that each person has different taste and thought.

Americans are also many Germans who immigrated from Germany, let's not forget that, do you think they would like to come here to live and eat unhealthy food? and let's not forget that many of German immigrants work in food industry, too.

It's good that German stores are everywhere in USA then Germans are able to buy the foods there which is great... I am not saying that they depend on German stores all the time... I do beleive that they buy foods & drink in US stores as well.

yes you did. if you simply have said "wow, american milk taste like chalk to me" that would be that. Or even chemical. Just chemical taste.
But when you start adding things like "wow... I read the label.. so many things, wow.. oh, I see Sodium added.. there is no sodium in milk, I asked German farmer there is no Sodium? maybe they add salt to the feed then the cow's milk has Sodium?? or maybe the add Sodium to the milk?
gee, German has only this and that.. no thank you, I preffer REAL German milk"

I talked about soduim in milk, no more than anything, don't I? Yes, I said that there're no soduim in milk here in Germany... Is "wow" an insult and offensive word to you? Should I write "I am surprised" instead of "wow"? Yes I said that I see that soduim is add on the label. I asked question accord my post #60 what kind of animal feeding, the farmer gave cows... Nobody answers... I suggest that it could be that soduim add in feeding to cow. I said this because of more soduim and sugar in US label than German label. Nobody answers... I repeated 2 questions but that's not what I am asking so I searched the links myself. That's exactly what I want to know.

the unfortunately you imply that American milk is not "real" and we add chemicals to it. That is not right, and not true.
Please mind I wasn't the only one that objected to that

Unfortunlately yes, I do not denied that I said that American milk is not "real" milk because it taste like not real milk but something add in milk like chemical. I use to say "natural" foods, etc. etc. until I learn from my American co-workers to use word "real"... It's their favorite word... "I like real foods, beers, etc. etc. "... Is those word "Real" foods etc is an insult and offensive to you? Should I write "natural" foods, etc. in next time? If it offend you then accept my apology.... I am too open what I think and what I see... It's me...

But, you see, since salt is Sodium Chloride, if the cottage cheese says Salt, it must have Sodium. That is my point. I said that because you said your cottage cheese dos not have Sodium, only salt.

I saw the point what you are trying to explain... I am sorry to confuse you with my previous posts about salt... I can see that I didn't make clear to you in my previous posts about which salt. I should add iodized salt, sea salt, herb salt, table salt, dietary salt, etc instead of just "salt". That one I choose cottage cheese including dietary salt instead of soduim.

So, if you say your label says "salt" but does not says "Sodium", I can only conclude either the amount of Sodium from salt in the cheese is so low that it fell under the number "0" and under German laws if it says 0 it does not have be written on the package, or maybe Cheese company is reqired to inform their product have salt but does not have to inform about Sodium, but the milk company must do BOTH, or maybe there is a hundred different reasons I don't know.

Some cheeses, cream cheeses etc do have different salts and soduim... Some no salt or soduim on Nutriton Fact but igrendients or have on Nutriton Fact and no salt in igrendient... or both... Depend on different cheeses... Example: I do not buy if I see soduim on Natrituion Fact and then type of salts under igredient... both soduim and salts under Natriution Fact and igrendient is too much for me... I prefer to buy one soduim or type of salt where I read is under Nutrition Facts or Igredient. Yes that's right German don't have to add something if there're no soduim or whatever .... It's waste to print "0" ... they are obligate to print how many gram, mg or % ... on the label. I re-read the US cereal, I brought here with me... They printed soduim and sugar in Natruition Fact and salt and sugar under ingredient.

Everyone knows that much sweetner in foods and drink there in America than in Europe.

American laws require even if the amount is 0, it must be written.

Yes I see that.

It is and it isn't.
As I've said before, every TABLE salt is Sodium- Sodium Chloride, and if you put salt in your food it will always have Sodium and Chlorine as a compound Sodium Chloride.

I already explained in other thread that I don't use salt on the meal table if we have type of salts or soduim in foods... If there're no salt in any foods, I taste then use iodized salt (I mixed myself with dried herbs). I limit with soduim/salt.

Liebling I love you. You are mighty opponent, as always. I got bruised in this discussion too :)
I don't know about you but for me discussion, arguments are like boxing match - we try to beat up each other. I give it my all.
But once the match is over we join hands hugs each other and respect each other. And together go have beer, or milk or whatever ;)

Yeah, I know it's you... :D... I like good debate with respectful agree to disagree but I admit that it could end heat debate sometimes. I could be bitch sometimes... :D I do love you and Reba, too... :grouphug:.... Give me milk what you prefer your own taste... :D

I do have big mouth, if I hurt you I am sorry.


Don't worry about this.. I know you doesn't mean it when you are angry...:D I am also sorry if I made a harsh posts toward you sometimes, too when I act bitch .. :hug:
You know, I wonder if you've ever heard old people always reminiscencing:
~ "when I was young, the food tasted different, better etc. They don't make it as good any more, hmph!" ?

Yeah, I heard like this often... :lol: It's their experience and feeling...

I think this is the case with everyone. Your Polish friends probably liked better "communist" food because this was the food of their youth - you know what I mean?

Yeah, accord my Polish friends (and also ex-East Germans, too) - they produced few simple sausages, unprocessed meats, dairy, etc. with no additives... They didn't pay their attention when they taste until they escaped from communist to West Germany and shock when they saw many different dairies, meats, etc. They tasted and said that 3,5 % or 3,8 % fat milk is too thin... not thick like their communist time. I was like huh? because 3,5% and 3,&% fat milk are too thick to me. Years later after that, they visited their countries and shock that the taste is so different than they used to taste at long time ago... Intereseting.

Were some polish foods then better than German?? I dunno...

:dunno: but I noticed that some polish foods around here in Germany is salted and too much fat... (read their label)... I didn't try it... My hubby loves Polish sausage.

I can tell you what I remember- I came to Germany in 1982.
I didn't like German sausage that much, I do preffer Polish sausage over other to this day.

Which type of German sausages you don't like? There're many different type of German sausages... Some of sausages are salty... I like only few German sausages.

But I think the dairy (milk, cheese), the meat, veggies, fruit, fish - it was as good if not better as Polish.

I prefer British fishes to German fishes because of fresh taste (near sea)... If I want fresh fish then go to Island of Sylt or Hamburg... (North Germany), not Bavaria... I only buy fishes from freeze shops, not fresh. I like anything what I buy is pure natural... (organic). My Dad's and brother's view on German fruits, eggs, breads, etc. are better than Britian... :dunno: Maybe I bought organic foods that they experienced? I do buy foods with additives sometimes... I like German dairy products, any fresh foods, etc more than Britian.

Certainly dairy like yogurt, buttermilk - FAR more better. Polish Buttermilk back then tasted like a litre of sour milk with pound (half kilo) of white sugar, yuck.

Your post make me hungry... I love yoghurt and buttermilk... I use natural yoghurt or buttermilk to mix with fresh or freeze fruits, teaspoon of honey and oatmeal... mmmhhh... Yes, yoghurt and buttermilk are bit sour - not bad as in England but you will not notice when you add fruits, honey and oatmeal in yoghurt or buttermilk.

Last year I tried new "democratic" Polish Buttermilk and yogurt,
and I find it much better. I still preffer Canadian and American brands we have here, but it's much better than the one under communist.

Interesting... each person has different taste.

BTW in Poland many of German products are available. And that is good!

Yes I noticed that German products are everywhere in Europe like we get different product from other Europe countries. I am surprised that German products are in Poland.

I am curious if an American and Canadian went to visit Poland how would they like our food???

I see why not... It's good for them to visit our country and try our foods and tell us what they think of and what they taste... It make me curious, too... :D