Aperfecttrace, take your crap elsewhere. We are discussing the progress of my daughter. If you want to try to stir the pot or piss people off by stating your biased crap, please go elsewhere. F.Y.I., you ignorant ass, as others have said here, all of the CI parents that are regular contributers, use sign with our children. We are invarious stages mulitple communication levels with our children.
If you want to spew your militant crap, go elsewhere. All you are doing is showing others your level of ignorance.
FYI, while your post is correct, when quoting CDC stats. But, you must also take into consideration that there is a stistical link between deaf children and meningitis. Not just CI kids, all deaf kids. So when you start spitting out stats, you must take into account the overall stats of the situation. NOT just the stats that you want to expect as reality. Stats are an amazing thing. When you look at raw data, a biased, or self motivated individual can twist data in almost any manner they wish. It is quite obvious that you are an anti-audist, deaf militant. SO it is no suprise to me that you are selectivley using CDC stats in an attempt to force an agenda.
As said above, take your stats, your biased opinions, and all the rest of your crap, and go elsewhere. This thread was created by m, with the sole intent of informing others (who are interested in my daughters progress) in the strides my daughter has made since her left ear suffered a rapid, progressive hearing loss, making a hearing aid , no longer an option.
If you want to start shit, start another thread.