Have any of you had bad experience with bee/wasp/hornet stings?


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I have-- back in 1993, when I was stung multiple times by a very aggressive Yellow Jacket. Then I got stung by a black and orange wasp in 2004-- twice, in the back of my neck in a swimming pool. I drowned that one. Since that sting, nothing, although I nearly had deja vu with another Yellow Jacket a couple years ago (because I was wearing a yellow shirt at the time)

What about you?
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When I was young, a wasp stung my butt, and I couldn't sit for three days. Now I do still remember how painful and embarrassing it was.
I had a bee fly into my nose and sting me. :(
When I was young, a wasp stung my butt, and I couldn't sit for three days. Now I do still remember how painful and embarrassing it was.

When that 2004 wasp stung my neck, it was at the base, and hurt for a while.
Also not me but my grandma was stung bu multiple bees, cuz she is also allergic she ended up in the hospital.
Also not me but my grandma was stung bu multiple bees, cuz she is also allergic she ended up in the hospital.

That's what Epipens are for. However, if a bunch of hornets sting you, you or just about anyone could die from their venom, if not immediately treated.
I sat on a wasp in my jeep, I worked at a machine shop then, thought it was a metal shaving sticking me, several times... Burns...
Got stung by a bee washing my truck, the bee was in the lug nut recess and while washing the rims it stung me on the tip of my finger, hurt like hell.
Im allergic, carry an Epi Pen with me.

Mosquitoes, they are the death of me, when they bite, I get a large welp, red and itches like crazy for days.
Yeah , one of my dog almost dies from a bee stung. And Finlay once stepped on a bee and I did not realize it until I turn around and saw him trying to take the bee out of his paw with his teeth. Finlay just had a shot for allergies a couple of days before so he was OK. He got the bee out on his own and spit it out.
I sat on a wasp in my jeep, I worked at a machine shop then, thought it was a metal shaving sticking me, several times... Burns...
Got stung by a bee washing my truck, the bee was in the lug nut recess and while washing the rims it stung me on the tip of my finger, hurt like hell.
Im allergic, carry an Epi Pen with me.

Mosquitoes, they are the death of me, when they bite, I get a large welp, red and itches like crazy for days.

Mosquito bites aren't fun whatsoever.
Long, long ago...my cousins/friends and I were in the woods play-acting like we were in the Army...and ran right smack into a Yellow Jacket's nest....or maybe it was Hornets...Those insects chased us out of the woods, down the dirt road and to our house...

We were all bitten up....hurt like hell!

I've been seeing more and more Wasps during the Spring * especially during the Summer months here....Got a large can of Raid...that takes care of 'em!
Long, long ago...my cousins/friends and I were in the woods play-acting like we were in the Army...and ran right smack into a Yellow Jacket's nest....or maybe it was Hornets...Those insects chased us out of the woods, down the dirt road and to our house...

We were all bitten up....hurt like hell!

I've been seeing more and more Wasps during the Spring * especially during the Summer months here....Got a large can of Raid...that takes care of 'em!

Yeah, about being chased by stuff that stings-- don't jump in water-- they'll be waiting for you.
Then there are fire ants….

I woke up one night as something was biting the crap out of my arm. It was a big black ant and damn they can bite like HELL! I think it was trying to bite a piece of my flesh off my arm.
Of course

Stepped on a couple bees barefoot, one of the times I stepped on a bee that was on some prickly weed thing so I a bee stinger and the needles from the plant stuck in my foot. Good times, my uncle tore up a cigarette and mixed the tobacco with water and stuck it the bottom of my foot.

Had a big huge bumble bee land only shoulder, I didn't know it, it just tickled so shrugged my shoulder up and rubbed it against my neck, squashed it and it stung me.

I used to landscape so I hit stung by wasps on several occasions working on bushes.

One time I didn't get stung, but it was interesting. I went hiking with a couple guys I knew. We dropped acid right before we started out so by the time we got to the top of the mountain we were tripping pretty good. We laid on some rocks and were just relaxing looking at the clouds. It was nice.......and then a wasp flew into my hair right beside my ear and got stuck. This was before I went deaf, it was trying to fly this way and that, trying to get out buzzing away (this was before I went deaf) holy moly it freaked me out lol I just me remember lying there full body cringe with my eyes squeezed shut hands gripped together below my chin afraid to move and saying over and over get it out get it out get it out hahaha. That was no fun. Laughed later though