Had a f****** close call

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My knee cut, as promised. When it happened, I thought it was shallow, but that does not appear to be the case-- looks like it got me deeper than I thought.

whoa. nasty. *spraying windex on it*

have you seen 2 girls, 1 cup?
Dont anyone of you hate that If you got paper cuts or cold winter makes the tip of fingers that got deep dried cuts dryyyyyy. :eek:
My knee cut, as promised. When it happened, I thought it was shallow, but that does not appear to be the case-- looks like it got me deeper than I thought.

It looks not cut, just skin crack due to winter.

Just other exaggeration, jeez.

You will be fine, so stop being crybaby.
Everybody happy now? ok, good....close this thread.
Mark, why do you need our attention about not real close call?

I don't care about how bad is broken glass and you didn't get killed with small glass. You have to handle the glass with extra care and I carried a lot of glass stuffs at old workplace, especially in grocery department.

I don't need your attention about your cut - you are man and you can take care of it instead of tell us about what happened to you.

If you can't handle the glass so you should replace anything with plastic.

Come back when you have REAL close call like you almost get hit by truck while ride the bike, not just broken glass, broken TV, broken DVD, broken ketchup, broken eggs, anything is too simple.

But I crack eggs almost everyday. Is it bad?
People don't realize how traumatic it can be for those who witness other people's accidents. When my son-in-law lost his leg at work it was a couple of the other workers who ended up with serious PTSD. (It took them an hour to remove the steel slab off his leg, so his co-workers had to watch him suffer all that time.) The sights, smells and sounds of an accident can stick with the bystanders for a long time. :(
Very true. Same for witnessing bad car accidents. People screaming in agony is a sound I don't miss.
ewwwwwwww all sounds painful people...I top this...cut my nail with saccateurs instead of nail scissors yesterday.. could not see or feel a thing until I saw the blood...not sure if I win the most painful accident on here today but sure do win total stupidity medal...still hurts but I deserve that
Does your state allow motorcycles to drive in between traffic lanes on the freeway? I'm driving 50-60mph in moderate traffic when they drive right in between me and a car next to me. Startles me now since I can't hear them. I use to ride on the back of a bike many years ago, we never did that, it's just crazy. I can see if the traffic is stopped or super slow, but if you have a large motorcycle it cuts it way too close.
Lane splitting is not allowed in SC.
****. Just cut my knee on glass. Got pressure on the injury, but bad news is no bandage for me to use.

Update: the bleeding has been stopped, but it's gonna hurt good for a while.
Why did you cut your knee on glass?
Dont anyone of you hate that If you got paper cuts or cold winter makes the tip of fingers that got deep dried cuts dryyyyyy. :eek:

My mom got paper cut on her tongue when she licked the envelope. Oh poor her. She showed me her open cut on her tongue in 1990. So I won't lick on the envelope for many many years. Just use wet towel or tape.
Does your state allow motorcycles to drive in between traffic lanes on the freeway? I'm driving 50-60mph in moderate traffic when they drive right in between me and a car next to me. Startles me now since I can't hear them. I use to ride on the back of a bike many years ago, we never did that, it's just crazy. I can see if the traffic is stopped or super slow, but if you have a large motorcycle it cuts it way too close.
I've seen that done before. Also saw a guy on a crotch rocket doing a wheelie for miles at 70+ mph on I-476 in Philadelphia, weaving through busy traffic. Saw him behind me, saw him go past me. Never dropped the front wheel. :shock:
Wouldn't the Windex kill me?



You're not supposed to drink it.

It's an emergency antiseptic for the wound, although in your case I would just use soap and water to cleanse it.

Of course, you can always use the Windex to clean the blood off the glass. ;)
I remember about put dishes away - I accidentally dropped the plate, but I successfully recused it without break it, so it was close call.
Close call my ass. It bled good, but it's stopped now, and I'm trying to ensure it doesn't start again.
Seriously, it's good for a wound to bleed a little bit because that flushes the wound. If it's not deep, cleaning with soap and water, then keeping it clean and dry should be fine.

You should always keep a small first aid kit with bandaids and bandages included. That's independent living 101. You should also keep a small kit with your bike.
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